No two fingerprints are alike, not even for identical twins. Fingerprints can reveal a lot about your qualities, talents, and personality.
When you were a 13-week-old fetus, your fingerprints were already formed, marking your unique “signature.” The practice of fingerprint analysis has been used for over 2000 years, as evidenced by ancient stone carvings, and various ancient cultures used fingerprints as their “signature.”
For more than a century, criminology has utilized fingerprints to identify criminals through the science of fingerprint analysis (dermatoglyphics). Nowadays, medicine also employs fingerprints for diagnostic purposes and to determine fetal genes. Forensic agencies can identify physical traits (such as gender, height, and weight) based on fingerprints. Let’s analyze your own “signature.”
What You Need
Option 1: Dark-colored powder or chalk (if using chalk, grind it into powder); tape; white paper.
Option 2: Ink pad; white paper.
What to Do
Roll your fingerprints one by one—index finger, middle finger, ring finger, pinky, and thumb. Do this for both hands, giving you 10 fingerprints. Roll your fingers in the colored powder and then on the tape. After that, stick the tape onto the white paper to “preserve” your fingerprints. Alternatively, you can roll your fingers on an ink pad and then on the paper to obtain fingerprints.
What to Look For
There are three basic types of patterns to look for when analyzing fingerprints: arches (both plain and tented), loops, and whorls. Of course, there are many variations and combinations of these types. The results will vary depending on the fingerprint patterns you have and which fingers they appear on.
Plain Arch: If you have this pattern, you may find it difficult to express your emotions, but you are very practical. If it appears on your index finger, you have a love for tradition and ambition for success. If on your middle finger, you appreciate traditional educational perspectives. If on your ring finger, you value emotions. If on your thumb, you have strong passion and willpower, but also a bit of a rebellious streak.
Tented Arch: This pattern is usually seen on the index finger. You might be sensitive but impulsive.
Whorl: If you have many whorls (often referred to as “flower fingers”), you are a responsible person. There may be some dogmatism in your views, which is why it’s not surprising that “flower fingers” have a fiery element, but you are talented. If on your index finger, you have perceptiveness and cannot lie. If on your middle finger, you are very curious, enjoy investigating, and uncovering mysteries. If on your ring finger, you are meticulous and can keep secrets. If on your thumb, you possess leadership qualities and a high degree of independence.
Loop: This pattern is quite common. It indicates that you are quite adaptable and dislike monotony. These patterns reveal your level of life perception, with a watery element. If on your index finger, you have a strong sense of independence and want to assert yourself. If on your middle finger, you have many great ideas and creativity. If on your ring finger, you are creative with your emotions. If on your pinky, you are spiritually pioneering (which is rare on the pinky). If on your thumb (often found here), you have humanitarian qualities.
Different diseases are also related to fingerprints. Feet also have “footprints.” Over 2000 years ago, Chinese potters would imprint fingerprints on jars to mark ownership. Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, established the effectiveness of fingerprint comparison in 1893. He demonstrated that fingerprints are unique, unchangeable, and can be easily classified. Thanks to this, police have been able to quickly identify criminals worldwide. Doctors also determine fingerprints of fetuses for diagnostic purposes.