With a fearsome appearance, this snake can lead many to associate it with another highly venomous species.
Looking at the images below, if one sees the broadening neck, many might assume it is some type of cobra, but in reality, this snake has no close relation to cobras.
The strange snake with a cobra-like hood. (Photo: Thành Luân).
While cobras belong to the family Elapidae, this snake is part of the Colubridae family. Unlike cobras, which have dangerous venom, this snake is completely harmless (its venom is mild and poses no threat) despite its fearsome appearance.
This snake is known as the Hognose Snake, a species native to North America and Mexico. It is named for its amusingly upturned snout and its diverse, beautiful coloration (which is why many reptile enthusiasts choose it as a pet).
The Hognose Snake has a relatively modest size, with the largest recorded specimen only reaching 1.2 meters long, while most are around 60 centimeters. They are timid, harmless snakes, but when threatened, they will puff up and hiss, mimicking a cobra to intimidate their foes.
In addition to their impressive “cobra impersonation,” they are also “remarkable actors” with dramatic performances that deceive their predators. Specifically, when in danger, a Hognose Snake will roll onto its back to play dead, with its mouth wide open, or even regurgitate blood.