According to research, consuming a variety of nuts, fruits, and limiting sugary beverages—often referred to as the Mediterranean diet—can help older adults reduce anxiety and stress.
A recent study conducted by the University of Sunshine Coast (Australia) shows that eating a variety of nuts, fruits, legumes, and consuming fewer sugary drinks—also known as the Mediterranean diet—can help individuals over 60 feel less anxious and stressed.
The Mediterranean diet may help reduce depression and anxiety. (Photo: SBS Australia).
Dr. Lisa Allcock, the lead researcher, stated that her team conducted a controlled study in 2022 examining adherence to the Mediterranean diet and its effects on symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress among older adults in Australia.
The results indicated that this diet is highly effective.
Professor Catherine Itsiopoulos, a nutrition and dietetics expert at RMIT University in Melbourne, explained that this diet primarily consists of plant-based sources, such as leafy greens, tomatoes, fresh fruits, and snacks made from nuts, grains, dried fruits, or fresh fruits, as well as fermented dairy products like yogurt and cheese.
Additionally, olive oil is the predominant fat in the diet, while animal products are consumed in smaller quantities.
The study involved over 300 Australians aged 60 and above.
The findings revealed that the more vegetables consumed, the lower the symptoms of depression, which also helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions, benefiting brain health and mental well-being.
The research accounted for other factors related to poor mental health in healthy adults, such as sleep, physical activity, body fat percentage, and cognitive levels.
Dr. Lisa Allcock commented that the Mediterranean diet may also benefit younger or middle-aged individuals.
Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Villani, a nutrition expert and supervisor of the study, recommended reducing meat consumption, particularly red meat, and suggested replacing it with white meat or fish.