How Helicopters Work: How Do They Change Direction and Flight Path?
Understanding Helicopter Operation Principles
Main Rotor
The primary function of the main rotor is to generate lift that overcomes the weight of the helicopter, allowing it to fly in the air. Lift is created through the interaction with the atmosphere. As the rotor spins, it exerts a force on the air, and conversely, according to Newton’s third law, the air exerts an upward reaction force on the rotor. Therefore, without air, this lift force would cease to exist; in other words, it is impossible to use a helicopter to fly to the moon regardless of how powerful the engine is, because the space between the Earth and the moon is a vacuum.
Lift force directed upwards
By changing the pitch of the main rotor blades, the helicopter can move forward, backward, or sideways.
Tail Rotor
The tail rotor is extremely important because, according to the momentum conservation law, when the main rotor spins clockwise, the rest of the helicopter tends to rotate counterclockwise. (see illustration)
Torque reaction will be countered by the tail rotor. | The tail rotor generates a torque that balances the torque produced by the main rotor. |
Additionally, by adjusting the power of the tail rotor, the helicopter can easily change direction to the left or right.
The tail rotor is connected to the main rotor through a drive system, as shown in the illustration below:
There are also types of helicopters that do not require a tail rotor; instead, they use two main rotors that spin in opposite directions. The lift from these two rotors is directed upwards, but their torques cancel each other out. When a change in flight direction is desired, the power of one of the rotors must be adjusted to give torque dominance to that rotor.
The Structure and Function of Helicopter Blades
How Are Helicopters Manufactured?
Modern technology has made helicopter production easier and more diverse. However, the processes must still adhere to certain standards.
Firstly, in terms of design, helicopters can operate using one of two main types of engines based on the piston principle or turbine engine. These engines assist in the movement of the rotor system.
The Ka-52 is a coaxial dual-rotor helicopter of the Russian Air Force. (Photo: Wikipedia.)
Helicopters have a rotor system consisting of two to six blades attached to a central hub. They typically have relatively long blades and narrow widths, allowing for slower movement which makes controlling the helicopter easier. To minimize weight, most lightweight helicopters are equipped with only two rotors. The materials used in helicopter production are often made from metal or composite materials, or a combination of both.
The Manufacturing Process of a Helicopter