The straight road cutting through the vast desert in Saudi Arabia, devoid of any curves or turns, is regarded as an impressive piece of infrastructure reminiscent of something from a science fiction movie.
Saudi Arabia’s Highway 10 stretches 1,474 km, connecting the town of Al Darb in the Southwest to Al Batha in the East. This is a rather busy road, frequently traversed by trucks transporting goods from one side of Saudi Arabia to the other. The most famous segment of Highway 10 is the nearly 240 km stretch that runs through the Rub’ al Khali desert.
The straight road stretches endlessly in Saudi Arabia. (Photo: Agraam).
This segment was originally built as a private road for King Fahd (King of Saudi Arabia from 1982 to 2005). However, since it became part of the public road system, it has earned the Guinness World Record for the longest straight road in the world.
Nevertheless, due to its complete lack of curves, the near-flat terrain, and the surrounding scenery being rather unremarkable, it has also earned the nickname “the most boring road in the world.”
On the other hand, some find a unique charm in the vastness and monotony of this segment of Highway 10. It offers a chance to witness an almost untouched natural landscape, minimally affected by human activities.
However, this road poses certain challenges for drivers. The intense heat and bright light in the desert can easily lead to disorientation due to the absence of landmarks. It is crucial for drivers to stay hydrated and to carefully monitor their fuel gauge, as there are not many gas stations along this isolated stretch. A journey along Highway 10 in Saudi Arabia is suitable for those looking for an exceptionally unique and novel experience.
The aforementioned segment of Highway 10 connects Highway 75 in the Haradh area with Highway 95 in Western Saudi Arabia. After 240 km of straight driving with no curves, the road gently bends just before reaching the town of Al Batha. According to Guinness World Records, this ultra-straight stretch has an estimated driving time of about 2 hours.
Before the 240 km road in Saudi Arabia was recognized by Guinness World Records, the Eyre Highway in Australia held the record for the longest straight road in the world, measuring over 146 km. Currently, Eyre Highway remains the longest straight road in Australia.