This is a familiar herb, commonly used to enhance the flavor of many family dishes.
Cilantro (coriander) is a widely used herb among the Vietnamese. Cilantro plants typically grow to a height of 20 to 60 cm, with green leaves that are divided into three lobes, and serrated edges. Cilantro has a distinctive aroma, making it a popular choice for seasoning, enhancing the flavor of dishes such as soups and salads. In Vietnam, the stems of mature cilantro are often used to prepare bath water, serving as a disinfectant and warding off bad luck during the year-end celebrations.
Rich in antioxidants, cilantro offers numerous health benefits:
1. Regulates Blood Sugar
Research shows that cilantro seeds, extracts, and oil can effectively lower blood sugar levels. A study on obese rats with high blood sugar indicated that when administered cilantro seed extract at a dosage of 9.1 mg per body weight or 20 mg/kg, the blood sugar levels of the rats decreased to 4 mmol/L within 6 hours, showing effects similar to the blood sugar medication glibenclamide.
Cilantro seeds, extracts, and oil can effectively lower blood sugar.
Another study found that cilantro seed extract helps reduce blood sugar levels while increasing insulin release in diabetic rats compared to a control group.
2. Beneficial for Heart Health
Some studies suggest that cilantro and cilantro extracts can reduce risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and elevated levels of bad cholesterol. Additionally, this herb contains diuretic properties, aiding the body in expelling excess sodium and water, which helps lower blood pressure.
Research also indicates that cilantro and other spicy herbs and spices can help reduce sodium levels in the blood, improving heart health.
3. Supports Brain Health
Cilantro extracts may help protect brain cells, combating nerve damage due to its high antioxidant content. Studies have shown that cilantro can improve memory and provide various benefits for Alzheimer’s patients.
Furthermore, cilantro may also effectively reduce anxiety and stress.
4. Good for Digestion
An 8-week study involving 32 individuals with irritable bowel syndrome showed that taking 30 drops of an herbal extract containing cilantro three times a day significantly reduced symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and discomfort. In traditional Iranian medicine, cilantro is used as an appetite stimulant and aids digestion.
In traditional Iranian medicine, cilantro is used as an appetite stimulant.
5. Soothes the Skin
Cilantro can soothe the skin and alleviate mild rashes such as dermatitis. Studies have shown that the antioxidants present in cilantro may help prevent cell damage that leads to accelerated skin aging and protect against skin damage from ultraviolet B radiation.
However, it is recommended not to apply cilantro directly to wounds but to use products containing cilantro extracts instead.
Cilantro is not only a seasoning that enhances the flavor and appeal of dishes but also offers numerous health benefits. However, it is essential to pay attention to the dosage to avoid any unwanted side effects.