An ethnic group is a distinct form of a community of people that emerges during the natural and social development process. So what is the concept of an ethnic group, and how many ethnic groups are there in Vietnam?
Understanding the Ethnic Groups of Vietnam
What is an Ethnic Group?
An ethnic group is a socio-political community formed by the gathering of many ethnicities with different levels of socio-economic development living together in a specific territory, managed uniformly by a state.
From the perspective of scientific socialism, the definition of an ethnic group is understood as follows:
An ethnic group refers to a community of people with a close and sustainable relationship, sharing common economic activities, possessing a distinct language, and specific cultural traits; it emerges after tribes and clans. In this sense, an ethnic group is a part of a nation—a multi-ethnic nation.
Compared to tribes in the feudal period, ethnic groups during the era of capitalist and socialist development have stable territories, the fragmentation of power has been eliminated, and a commodity economy has developed, forming a unified national market.
Dialects and regional accents have diminished, with the capital’s language being considered the standard and increasingly widespread. The cultural differences between regions and among parts of the ethnic group have largely been erased, and the sense of nationalism has been firmly reinforced.
Main Characteristics of an Ethnic Group
Sharing a common economic lifestyle: This is the most important characteristic of an ethnic group; economic relationships form the basis for connecting the parts and members of the ethnic group, creating a solid foundation for the ethnic community.
Ability to live concentrated within a country’s territory or intermingle with many brotherly ethnic groups: This characteristic highlights an essential part of the ethnic group’s fate tied to the establishment and protection of the nation’s territory.
Possessing traditional clothing, a unique language, and a written script (based on the common language of the nation) serves as communication tools across all areas of social life.
An ethnic group is a community in terms of culture, psychology, and character…
- Each ethnic group has its unique culture to distinguish it from others. Ethnic culture carries many local nuances, ethnic traits, and groups, yet it remains a unified culture formed over a long historical process.
- Each ethnic group has its own psychology and character; to recognize the psychology and character of each ethnic group, one must examine the material and spiritual activities of that group.
Number of Ethnic Groups in Vietnam
The number of ethnic groups in Vietnam currently is 54 brotherly ethnic groups. (Photo: internet).
According to information updated as of March 2021 on the electronic portal of the Committee for Ethnic Affairs, the Government’s electronic portal, and the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, the number of ethnic groups in Vietnam currently is 54 brotherly ethnic groups.
Specifically, these include: Kinh, Tay, Thai, Hoa, Khmer, Muong, Nung, Hmong, Dao, Gia Rai, Ngai, E De, Ba Na, Xo Dang, San Chay, Co Ho, Cham, San Diu, Hre, Mnong, Raglay, Xtiêng, Bru Van Kieu, Tho, Giay, Co Tu, Gie Triêng, Ma, Kho Mu, Co, Ta Oi, Cho Ro, Khang, Xinh Mun, Ha Nhi, Chu Ru, Lao, La Chi, La Ha, Phu La, La Hu, Lu, Lo Lo, Chut, Mang, Pa Then, Co Lao, Cong, Bo Y, Si La, Pu Peo, Brau, O Du, Ro Mam.
What percentage of Vietnam’s population is Kinh?
The Kinh ethnic group comprises about 85% of the population, while the remaining 53 ethnic groups account for about 15% of the national population.
The Kinh people are scattered throughout the territory but are mainly concentrated in the deltas and river basins; they are the owners of the rice civilization. Most of the other ethnic groups live in mountainous and midland areas, stretching from North to South; most of them live intermixed, particularly in the northern and north-central ethnic minority communities.
Languages: The 54 ethnic groups living in Vietnam have their own languages and distinctive traditional cultures; 24 ethnic groups have their own scripts, such as Thai, Hmong, Tay, Nung, Khmer, Gia Rai, E De, Hoa, Cham…
The scripts of some ethnic minorities like Thai, Hoa, Khmer, Cham, E De, Tay, Nung, Co Ho, and Lao are used in schools.
Policies for Equality Among Ethnic Groups in Vietnam
- The Vietnamese state implements policies of equality, solidarity, respect, and mutual assistance among ethnic groups, creating all conditions for ethnic groups to develop together, closely linked to the overall development of the Vietnamese ethnic community. Preserving and promoting the cultural identity and beautiful traditional languages of ethnic groups; all acts of discrimination and ethnic division are strictly prohibited.
- The legal system in Vietnam is continuously improved to fundamentally meet the socio-economic development policies of the country, including ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of ethnic minorities.
- Ethnic minorities are facilitated to participate in the political system, social management, and state governance.
The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam guarantees equal rights for all Vietnamese citizens, including the rights of ethnic minorities. Vietnam does not have a separate law for ethnic minorities but has a dedicated ministerial-level agency responsible for ethnic minority issues called the Committee for Ethnic Affairs.