In Vietnam, prior to 1995, a specimen of this fish was accidentally caught in the waters of Nha Trang, and since then, it has not been sighted again.
The Razor Fish (Solenichthys paegnius) belongs to a family of fish with a bizarre shape, which is very difficult to describe in words…
They have a relatively long, slightly flattened body, very large fins, a large head, and a long, tubular snout…
Overall, their shape and color closely resemble seaweed swaying on the ocean floor.
They also have the ability to change color to match their hiding environment.
They can almost become ‘invisible’ with their excellent camouflage.
The Razor Fish is also a faithful species, often living in pairs for life.
This characteristic is similar to that of seahorses, a distant relative of the Razor Fish.
This is a very rare species of fish. According to the Red Book, a specimen was accidentally caught in Nha Trang before 1995, and since then, it has not been seen again.
Globally, species belonging to the Razor Fish family are highly sought after in marine aquariums. (Image:
According to the Vietnam Forest Life page, the Razor Fish, also known as the false pipefish, belongs to the family Solenostomidae and the order Gasterosteiformes. Its body is relatively long and slightly flattened. The first dorsal fin, pelvic fin, and tail fin are all very large. The Razor Fish has a relatively large and long head. Its snout is long and shaped like a straw. The mouth has no teeth. The length of the tail base is greater than its height. Unlike species such as seahorses (Hippocampus) and pipefish (family Syngnathidae), female Razor Fish care for the eggs and fry. Inside the female’s abdomen, there is a pouch formed by the inner part of the pelvic fins. This pouch is partially open, and the eggs and fry are nurtured inside. Females can carry up to 350 fertilized eggs. Razor Fish are distributed in Japan, Indonesia, Mauritius, Zanzibar, and the Maldives. In Vietnam, a single specimen appeared in Nha Trang, and since then, no one has seen this species again. According to Dive the World, Razor Fish are relatively weak swimmers, thus their range of movement is very limited to very small territories. Razor Fish only live for one year and reach sexual maturity very early. The gestation period for females lasts three weeks. The life of this fish begins as a larva drifting along ocean currents. The larvae are very small, about 3 mm long. When first born, the fry are transparent until they find their way to the coral reefs to live. According to the Vietnam Red Book, Razor Fish are classified as Endangered. This species is proposed to be included in the list of species that need protection by the fisheries sector. At the same time, relevant authorities need to educate the public about the importance of protecting this rare fish species. If caught, they should be released immediately while still alive, and it is also possible to organize breeding in small saltwater ponds, for artificial reproduction and larval rearing. |
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