The umbrella is a very useful tool for protection against rain or sun. However, for various reasons, we may not always have immediate access to this item in urgent situations. Because of this inconvenience, Haz Umbrella—a smart umbrella—was created, offering many interesting features for users.
Smart Umbrella with Automatic Open/Close Function, Integrated Location Sensor, Weather Forecasting
In terms of design, Haz Umbrella looks just like a regular umbrella, except it is equipped with a button, a microcontroller, and a lithium-ion battery. All these components serve one main purpose: just press the button, and the umbrella will automatically open within 2 seconds. The inventors believe this is much easier than manually opening or closing an umbrella, especially for those carrying multiple items.
In case of an unexpected battery outage, the owner of the umbrella can still operate it manually instead of relying on the automatic mechanism. In addition to its quick open/close capability, Haz Umbrella also integrates a location sensor and a weather forecasting feature. To prevent loss, Haz Umbrella will connect to a companion iOS (or Android) application via Bluetooth, within a range of about 30 meters. If the umbrella moves out of the range of the smartphone, a notification will be sent to the user indicating the last known location of the product.
Additionally, this application provides users with weather forecast information based on location, advising whether or not to use the umbrella when going outside. Clearly, this helps you avoid unexpected rain showers and negative effects from UV rays from the sun.
Haz Digital, the manufacturer of the smart umbrella, states that their device can open and close over 150 times on a single charge, with a standby time of about 6 months. Meanwhile, a battery used for the Bluetooth connection will have a lifespan of about 1 year.
A total of 6 colors to choose from.
With a goal of commercialization, the company is running a crowdfunding campaign on the Indiegogo platform with a target of $15,000, which has been successfully reached. Each umbrella is expected to be priced from $69 and will begin shipping in October of this year.
Introduction Video of Haz Umbrella