Pins, threads, sugar cubes, salt and pepper, rust stains, flies, mosquitoes… These are all very familiar, but under a microscope, they appear incredibly bizarre.
1. It’s hard to believe this is a microscopic image of salt and pepper
2. A marine worm magnified 20 times
3. Did you recognize the tungsten filament in incandescent bulbs?
4. Velcro
5. You never thought this was rust, did you?
6. Salt grains look like crystals under the microscope
7. Refined and unrefined sugar
8. Vinyl (the most versatile plastic in the world, used to make everything) magnified 1000 times
9. This is just a needle’s eye with thread going through it
10. A true image of a guitar string under a microscope
11. A coral reef at the bottom of the ocean? No, just a dust particle magnified 22,000,000 times
12. The stamen of an oak tree
13. Human eyelashes magnified 50 times
14. An eggshell magnified 3900 times
15. The eyes of a mosquito under a microscope
16. The structure of human teeth
17. Blood cells on a cut
18. Not a maze, but human fingerprints
19. A screw magnified under a microscope. Looks like a giant drill, doesn’t it?
20. The surface of the tongue. Impressive, isn’t it!
21. Somewhere on Mars? No, just small cracks in steel
22. A syringe after being pulled from the skin with blood particles
23. A worm under a microscope
24. The head of a butterfly under a microscope looks like a masterpiece
25. A chicken embryo under a microscope
26. A parasite under a microscope
27. This parasite looks like an alien monster
28. Morpho Peleides butterfly eggs
29. Zebra butterfly egg whites
30. Fish eggs magnified 6.6 times
31. The head of an ant magnified 4 times
32. Dinosaur feet? No, just an adult mouse’s foot magnified 100 times
33. A Plankton
34. A Flea on Skin
35. A Spider Under the Microscope