A New Type of Artificial Grass That Uses Stored Water to Cool the Air Effectively.
This New Self-Cooling Artificial Grass is being utilized in various cities to help protect athletes from burns and exhaustion due to hot weather. With this type of grass, sports facilities can absorb rainwater and then slowly evaporate it on hot days, keeping the air significantly cooler compared to natural grass, according to BGR.
Self-cooling artificial grass helps protect athletes from burns and exhaustion due to hot weather.
In fact, this process is similar to the cooling effect of natural grass, researchers say, and it has been implemented in cities such as Kobe, London, and Amsterdam.
Many sports facilities and major cities around the world are also adopting this technology on practice fields and public areas, as it can help keep the air cooler at the surface during extreme heat waves.
This self-cooling artificial grass draws inspiration from blue-green roofs, a solution for storing rainwater and using it to cool roof surfaces, providing additional cooling capacity for buildings.
The reservoirs beneath the artificial grass can hold up to 512,000 liters of rainwater when placed under a standard soccer field. Standard artificial grass on sports fields today can become dangerously hot, posing risks to athletes, a problem that is particularly severe as temperatures continue to rise due to global warming.
Therefore, having a new self-cooling artificial grass type could be a significant breakthrough for regions with frequently hot climates and for cities in general. When excessively high temperatures damage both natural and standard artificial grass, this cooled turf could be the best way to maintain lush green spaces in cities and sports facilities while ensuring the safety of their users.
During testing, researchers reported that the artificial grass never reached temperatures above 37 degrees Celsius, only warming up by 1.7 degrees compared to natural grass. This makes these artificial fields an excellent alternative compared to conventional artificial grass options today, as well as natural grass that tends to wilt under high temperatures.