Once upon a time, there was a wealthy couple who wanted to playfully tease each other during the day, but they were worried that their servant would find out. Taking advantage of a funeral in the nearby village, the husband sent the servant there to sell candy, a clever way to achieve both their goals.
The servant thought to himself: “What’s going on? Why am I being asked to sell candy all of a sudden? Something must be happening at home.” So, he pretended to go for a walk, but instead, he returned to eavesdrop on the couple’s conversation. Once the couple noticed that the servant had left, they snuck into their room to have some fun. The husband asked his wife:
– When I die, what will you cry about?
– I will cry: “Oh my dear! Oh my love! What else could it be!”
Then the wife asked:
– When I die, how will you cry?
– I will cry: “Oh my darling! Oh my dear! How else could I express my sorrow!”
Upon hearing this, the servant immediately shouted loudly:
– Anyone who wants to buy candy, come quick! It’s about to run out! Candy here… candy here… candy here…
The husband, hearing the noise, quickly got dressed and rushed out, yelling:
– Why aren’t you down in the village selling?
– Sir, there are two funerals here, and I haven’t sold a single piece; let alone in the village, where there’s only one funeral!