Marine biologists were thrilled to encounter a mysterious creature likened to a dragon of the sea during a dive in the waters off the coast of Italy.
The video recorded by Alexander Semenov showcases a close-up of a creature named Forskalia edwardsi, which belongs to the Siphonophore family, swimming near the ocean floor.
Siphonophores are among the most bizarre organisms in the world, as scientists have yet to determine whether they are a single species or a colony of different organisms. Their bodies are long, fragile, and translucent.
This is the creature named Forskalia edwardsi from the Siphonophore family swimming near the ocean floor.
“This siphonophore is the most magnificent specimen we have encountered so far. Simply because it is very large, measuring about three to five meters long,” shared Alexander Semenov.
Similar to other siphonophores, the structure of Forskalia consists of two parts: one responsible for movement, while the other captures and digests food, emits light, and reproduces.