There was a wealthy old man with a rather impulsive servant, who would say whatever came to his mind without thinking it through. The old man called him over and said:
– You are very impulsive; your speech lacks coherence, and people are laughing at both you and me. From now on, when you speak, be clear and organized, do you understand?
The servant nodded in agreement. One day, the old man was dressed in a new silk outfit, preparing to go out for a stroll while sitting and smoking a pipe. Suddenly, he noticed his servant standing with his hands clasped, speaking earnestly:
– Sir, the silkworm eats mulberry leaves and produces silk. People sell the silk to weavers, who then weave it into silk fabric. You go and buy it to have clothes made. Today, you are wearing it, smoking your pipe, and the ashes from your pipe have fallen onto your clothes, and your outfit is on fire.
The old man was startled and looked down to see that a large piece of his clothing had already burned away.