Chinese Scientists Develop Advanced Underwater Mining Robots
Chinese scientists have developed a modern type of robot that can be used for underwater mining research.
Feng Xisheng, a scientist at the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), stated that this research team has introduced indigenous techniques for composite control, chamber structure, and the application of optical fibers for underwater robots, which fall under the category of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs).
According to Feng, AUVs combine features of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles, enabling them to be used for precise operations over long distances.
The Shenyang Institute of Automation, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is renowned for its underwater robot manufacturing. This agency has developed a long-range AUV capable of operating for dozens of hours and traveling hundreds of kilometers.
The new AUV is equipped with a satellite positioning system for accurate location determination, an underwater positioning system, a powerful fuel cell, and a lithium battery system. Feng noted, “We can utilize the new AUV to explore underwater mineral resources and assist in maintaining offshore oil fields.”
The Shenyang Institute of Automation has been developing underwater robots since the 1990s and has invented China’s first cable-controlled ROV and AUV. The institute’s underwater robot fleet includes two types of AUVs capable of diving to depths of 6,000 meters.
China is currently among the leading countries capable of developing advanced underwater robots.