Do you have a collection of beautiful images that you want to share online for everyone to admire but don’t know how to design a website?
CoffeeCup Flash Photo Gallery will help you create a flexible flash photo album without requiring any knowledge of flash design.
Once you finish creating your album, the program also provides tools to help you upload it to your website for everyone to enjoy.
After installation, to create a new album, click the Create/Edit Album button in the main window. The Photo Albums window will appear. Click Add Album to create a new album. Next, it’s time to add images to your album: click Add Images and select Add Images if you want to add individual images to the album, or select Add a Folder if you want to include all images from a folder.
In the Photo Albums window, under the Settings tab, enter the album title in the Album Title field and add a description in the Album Description field. Click Back to Gallery to return to the main window. In this window, under the Gallery Settings tab, you can change some options for your album, such as width, height, whether to display borders, and if you want to play background music…
You can click the Preview button on the toolbar to see what your newly created album looks like. If you are satisfied, click the Save button and choose where to save the album. Next, click the Upload Now button and follow the instructions to upload your album to the website. It’s that simple, isn’t it?
CoffeeCup Flash Photo Gallery is commercial software from CoffeeCup Software. You can download a trial version at or look for it on software compilation CDs, which are currently available on the market.