A man in Australia faced off against a giant crocodile and used a frying pan to strike its jaw, forcing the reptile to retreat.
Kai Hansen struck the crocodile’s jaw with a frying pan.
In the video clip, a man named Kai Hansen confronts an aggressive crocodile nearly 2 meters long. Instead of fleeing in fear, he remains surprisingly calm and uses a frying pan to defend himself.
As the crocodile opens its mouth wide and approaches him, Kai Hansen swings the frying pan hard against the crocodile’s jaw. The crocodile, still aggressive, receives another strike to its mouth, prompting it to hastily retreat.
It is reported that after the clip was shared on social media, it garnered nearly 100,000 views and thousands of comments.
“This is not an everyday occurrence, but I had to stay safe and do everything I could. No one was hurt, and the intruder learned a valuable lesson,” Kai Hansen stated.
Kai Hansen mentioned that this is not the first time he has used a frying pan to fend off crocodiles. After his initial encounter, he found it quite effective and continues to employ this method. He is also developing strategies to keep crocodiles away from customers at his establishment.