Jackfruit is a tall tree commonly grown throughout our country, and it is very familiar to the people. In addition to providing edible fruit, many parts of the jackfruit tree are also used by people for effective medicinal purposes.
Using Jackfruit Leaves as Medicine
For women with insufficient breast milk: Use fresh jackfruit leaves (about 30-40g per day) to brew water for drinking, which helps to increase milk production. You can also use the male flower cluster (the male inflorescence) or immature jackfruit to increase milk supply.
Treating oral thrush in children: Take dried yellow jackfruit leaves, burn them to charcoal, mix with honey, and apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day, once at night.
For children with white sediment in urine: Take 20-30g of mature jackfruit leaves, chop them finely, fry until golden, and brew the water for drinking.
Treating asthma: Take equal parts of jackfruit leaves, sugarcane leaves, and bamboo charcoal to brew and drink.
Additionally, in folk medicine, fresh jackfruit leaves are also pounded and applied to swollen sores to reduce swelling and pain. Dried jackfruit leaves can be boiled down to a concentrate and applied to ulcers for quicker healing.
Using Jackfruit Sap as Medicine
The bark of the jackfruit tree contains a lot of sap, which is commonly used to treat abscesses. You can also mix jackfruit sap with vinegar and apply it to swollen sores for faster healing.
Using Jackfruit Wood as Medicine
Fresh jackfruit wood can be ground on a grinding stone or a mortar with a little water (the water will become cloudy due to the wood and sap) and consumed daily in doses of 6-10g for its sedative effects, treating high blood pressure and cases of spasms.
Alternatively, use 20g of dried wood (or bark) chopped into small pieces, brew with 200ml of water until it reduces to 50ml, and drink once a day for a calming effect.
Moreover, ripe jackfruit is a nutritious food; the golden, beautiful segments are very fragrant and delicious, with the effect of phlegm relief. Eating a few pieces of ripe jackfruit when intoxicated can help sober you up quickly.