A Unique Lighthouse in Iceland Dubbed the Perfect Survival Spot in Case of a Zombie Apocalypse.
Perched atop a mountain approximately 9.6 kilometers from the coast of Iceland, Þrídrangaviti Lighthouse is considered a dream home for many and an excellent refuge in the event of a global zombie pandemic.
Þrídrangaviti, which translates to “Three Rocks,” was constructed in 1939, just before the onset of World War II. Today, access to the lighthouse can be accomplished via helicopter, and there is even a small landing pad on site for easier helicopter landings.
Þrídrangaviti, which translates to “Three Rocks,” was built in 1939.
However, back in 1938, when construction began and helicopters were not yet available, workers had to daringly climb 36-meter-high rocks to manually lay the foundation for the lighthouse. This was in addition to facing the harsh elements such as rain, wind, and storms.
Árni G. Þórarinsson, the project director for the lighthouse, stated: “The first thing we had to do was create a pathway to the cliff. We worked alongside experienced climbers from the Westman Islands. We then brought drills, hammers, chains, and clamps. Once we were near the top, there was no way to secure a person to the cliff. So one person would kneel, the one behind would stand on his shoulders, and then a third person would climb over the two to reach the top of the cliff.” This was indeed an extremely dangerous journey.”
The Þrídrangaviti Lighthouse sits atop the highest of the three rocks, known as Háidrangur or High Rock. It’s likely that very few would want to stay here. In fact, the lighthouse is uninhabited except for maintenance visits.
Staying at this lighthouse is not simple
In fact, staying at this lighthouse is not easy at all. Just one strong gust of wind could lead to a slip, sending you plunging into the ocean or crashing against the cliff.
Photos of Þrídrangaviti Lighthouse have circulated online for several years and have even been shared by celebrities like Justin Bieber. Most people refer to it as a paradise for introverts, and the Þrídrangaviti Lighthouse even has its own Facebook fan page with over 4,000 followers.