There was a superstitious man who always calculated every little thing and took all sorts of precautions. One day, he went to the capital to take the imperial examination. Accompanying him was a young servant boy who had a tendency to speak carelessly, which often resulted in him being scolded. While they were walking, a gust of wind blew and knocked his hat off. The servant, without thinking, exclaimed:
– Damn it! It fell!
The man was terrified upon hearing this, scolded the boy, and instructed:
– From now on, you must be careful with what you say. For example, if the wind blows your hat away, you should say it ‘landed’ instead, understood?
The young servant nodded obediently, tied his hat back on, and replied:
– Very well, from here to the capital, you won’t be able to say ‘landed,’ got it?