Scientists from Newcastle University (UK) and Microsoft Research in Cambridge (USA) have successfully developed a device that allows users to control any electronic device (such as a mobile phone or television) with just a simple wave of the hand.
The device, named Digits, is a wristband equipped with sensors. Thanks to its wireless connectivity, Digits users can control devices like mobile phones without needing to touch them, even if they are in a bag or in another room.
To achieve this, the device uses a small camera to track hand movements and can recognize specific actions, translating them into commands. For example, when you raise your thumb, it understands that you want to answer a phone call. However, the wearer will still need to use headphones to communicate if the phone is out of reach.
Experts say that Digits can even help users operate devices that require a PIN, such as ATMs, more securely by entering the password from inside… their jacket pocket.