After identifying a new flowering plant species that grows in dense clusters near the border with Vietnam, researchers have proposed including it in the Red Data Book.
New plant species from the Gesneriaceae family in Yunnan Province, Southwestern China – (Photo:
The Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences announced on December 6 that its researchers have discovered a new plant species from the Gesneriaceae family in Yunnan Province, Southwestern China.
According to the announcement, scientists at the Institute of Spice and Beverage Research, part of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, found this new plant species while researching plant sources for spices.
The plant was first discovered in 2022 in Jinping County, near the border with Vietnam.
By comparing it with several known plant species, researchers confirmed that this is a new plant species with unique characteristics, such as its flowers growing in dense clusters.
The new plant species has been named Stauranthera floribunda, which means “many flowers.”
Given that Stauranthera floribunda is facing the risk of extinction in the wild, researchers have proposed adding this new plant species to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.