Scientists Identify Tamiflu-Resistant H5N1 Virus Strain
Scientists have identified a strain of the H5N1 virus that shows resistance to Tamiflu, a medication currently stockpiled by many countries to combat the threat of avian influenza pandemic outbreaks.
This particular strain was discovered in a sample taken from a 14-year-old Vietnamese girl who is suspected to have contracted the virus from her brother rather than from infected poultry. Through analysis of the DNA of the H5N1 virus in this sample, researchers found that this strain possesses a mutation that grants it the ability to resist Tamiflu. Meanwhile, on October 15, test results in the United Kingdom confirmed that the avian influenza virus found in Romania was the deadly H5N1 strain. On the same day, Thai Prime Minister Thaksin announced that the country is researching ways to produce anti-avian flu medication and is prepared to become a regional vaccine stockpile center against influenza.
H.Y (AFP, Reuters)