Classified documents from the Soviet Union’s National Security Committee (KGB) have revealed shocking findings inside the Great Pyramid.
According to Express, conspiracy theorists believe that conspiracy theories suggest that aliens played a significant role in the construction of the pyramids thousands of years ago.
Modern humans still cannot fully understand the pyramids of Egypt, which have existed for thousands of years.
The book “The KGB’s Secret Documents”, published by Amazon, reveals that a group of Soviet investigators once explored the tomb in the Egyptian pyramids and discovered something “inexplicable” inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.
In the book, a Soviet intelligence officer makes shocking revelations. Specifically, this individual, who previously worked for the KGB, is now involved with a Russian mafia gang.
This person claims to have frequently traveled between Cairo, Egypt, and Moscow, Russia. They mentioned having read documents sent by a senior KGB agent.
The documents state: “My agent has obtained a note from a scientist involved in the project to explore the tombs of the Egyptian pyramids.”
Soviet officers and experts also came to investigate the tombs of the Egyptian pyramids.
“The scientists discovered 15 containers of valuable artifacts, a mummy, a stone sarcophagus, and 8 samples of hieroglyphs. The location of these artifacts remains confidential,” the document states.
One scientist from the initial team that entered the tomb stated in the document: “During our examination of the stone walls, we discovered a form of magnetic field emanating from the stones. This is inexplicable.”
The document also refers to notes from cryptographers: “The mysterious message on the stone wall refers to a prophecy about the return of a winged deity.”
According to the contents of the document, the Kremlin considered the findings in Egypt to be significant. The military was also deployed to Egypt to assist in securing the scientists involved in the excavation project.