One of the most frustrating tasks for users when reinstalling their computers is locating the drivers for their lost devices. Driver Magician helps alleviate this hassle. As long as your computer is functioning well, make sure to back up your drivers using Driver Magician and store them in a safe place.
The program is very easy to use. Once you run Driver Magician, the software will scan for the drivers installed on your machine and display them in a list. You can check the box next to the driver you want to back up, or click Select All to choose all of them. Then, click the Start Backup button. The program will prompt you to select a folder where you want to save the information; after making your selection, click OK.
That’s it for the backup process. To restore drivers, go to the Driver Restoration menu, select Restore from folder, and then choose the folder containing the previously backed-up files. Check the box next to the driver you want to restore and click the Start Restore button to begin the restoration process.
Driver Magician 2.6 is a commercial software product from GoldSolution, compatible with Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, and 2003. You can download it at (file size 3.26 MB) or find it on software compilation CDs available on the market.