English Elements is a renowned electronic English learning curriculum developed by LANGMaster Group (Czech Republic). The Edusoft Company has acquired the rights for localization and exclusive distribution in Vietnam.
The content of English Elements is based on the English Elements textbooks published by Max Hueber Verlag GmbH, encompassing five levels: Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, and Proficient. This curriculum has been adopted as the official English language textbook in several European countries, including Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland.
1. Curriculum:
– The curriculum features modern content that focuses extensively on grammar practice.
– It incorporates advanced technology for pronunciation training.
– A diverse range of interactive exercises is included.
– Each level comprises approximately 300 exercises and 200 audio recordings.
– The curriculum is equivalent to three years of active study using traditional methods.
2. Dictionary:
The dictionary is closely linked with the curriculum and utilizes “Click & See” and “Say & See” technologies.
– The Collins COBUILD English-English Dictionary includes native speaker pronunciations.
– English Elements English-Vietnamese Terminology Dictionary is also available.
– Integration of the curriculum with the dictionaries is seamless.
3. Key Features of the Curriculum:
– This multimedia English communication curriculum meets international quality standards in electronic education. It offers a vibrant, modern, and up-to-date approach to learning English, with content ideally compiled to facilitate immediate application in professional contexts.
– The latest technologies are employed to enhance foreign language learning efficiency, such as IBM ViaVoice speech recognition technology, visual pronunciation training (through sound wave graphs), integration with dictionaries (Click & See, Say & See technologies), and the RE-WISE vocabulary learning method.
– Each curriculum consists of 16 lessons (including 4 review lessons) covering various topics. Each lesson is divided into several chapters, with numerous detailed content sections, allowing users to acquire extensive knowledge.
4. Modern Technologies Used in the Curriculum:
– Speech recognition system (IBM ViaVoice): Based on IBM’s latest inventions, input speech is used not only for pronunciation practice but also for exercises (fill in the blanks, complete sentences, select correct answers, etc.) and application control.
– Integration with learning dictionaries: The program features a dual-dictionary integration approach—bilingual and monolingual—closely aligned with the curriculum content. Using the dictionaries in lessons is made easy with “Click & See” (clicking on a word to see its meaning) and “Say & See” (speaking into the microphone to visualize sound wave graphs).
– Pronunciation practice exercises: A distinctive feature of modern foreign language learning is the practice of pronunciation based on a comparison of native speaker pronunciations with those of learners. Thanks to IBM’s speech recognition technology, this comparison can be made audibly (listening to two recordings) and visually (observing sound wave diagrams that depict both frequency and intonation).
– Intelligent learning methods of English Elements: This approach combines various methods with pre-established teaching plans and features on the teacher’s and student’s pages, enabling automatic guidance even for extended or advanced courses.
– Advanced vocabulary learning method – RE-WISE: The key to successful English learning is knowing when to review—neither too late (after forgetting) nor too early (when review is unnecessary). The RE-WISE method (intelligent or optimal review method) implemented in the English Elements curriculum helps you learn English words and phrases with minimal review sessions while maximizing retention.
Data inputted into RE-WISE is evaluated for accuracy based on percentage rates. The RE-WISE method also calculates the optimal learning process, allowing learners to independently select appropriate chapters for study.
– LANGMaster Learning Anywhere: The LANGMaster Learning Anywhere technology allows you to learn English with the English Elements curriculum easily. With just an Internet connection, you can study anywhere, anytime, without depending on the computer you are using or your location. You only need to register for a login account to learn from anywhere, anytime, in line with LANGMaster Learning Anywhere’s philosophy.
* System Requirements:
- PC Pentium 166 MHz, 64MB RAM
- 30MB free space on the hard drive
- SVGA 800×600 screen
- CD/DVD drive, sound card, microphone
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
- Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003.
For detailed information, contact: http://www.edusoft.com.vn