These letters are filled with love and intense passion…
Love is an eternal theme, bringing both sweet happiness and poignant sorrow when faced with separation.
No matter the era, heartfelt words of love always make each person’s heart flutter. In ancient times, when modern technology had not yet developed, handwritten letters were considered the most effective tool to express feelings.
Let’s revisit a few excerpts from what are considered the most beautiful love letters of all time, as compiled by Glamour below.
1. Emperor Napoleon wrote to Josephine
In the life of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, there was a long list of women, but he loved only one deeply for life – the widow Josephine.
Image of Emperor Napoleon…
…and the woman Napoleon loved for life – Josephine
Here is an excerpt from one of the letters Napoleon sent to Josephine: “Since being away from you, I have always felt despondent. Happiness is being beside you. I can never stop thinking of your caresses, your tears, and your love.
Your charm is incomparable, continuously igniting and lighting a fire in my heart. When all my worries fade, what concerns me is whether I can spend all my time with you, loving only you and thinking about the joy of expressing that to you.”
2. The love letter Beethoven wrote to “Immortal Beloved”
Before his death, the genius composer Ludwig van Beethoven left a letter for the woman he called “Immortal Beloved” with affectionate words: “My angel, my all, my very self.”
The letter with Beethoven’s words
The letter includes: “Even while lying in bed, my mind is always directed toward you, my eternal love. There are moments of joy, sadness, and waiting, not knowing if fate can hear our words?
I have decided to stay away from you until I can return to your arms, saying that I truly have come back to you, wrapping my soul around you in the invisible world. Then, you will understand my fidelity. No one can hold my heart, never. Please be calm, love me, today, yesterday. The tears of missing you – you – you, all belong to me. Continue to love me, never misjudge the faithful heart of your lover. Forever mine. Forever yours. Forever ours.”
3. The love letter Frida Kahlo wrote to Diego Rivera
Frida Kahlo is a renowned female artist in the history of world painting. She was married to Diego Rivera, a Mexican muralist. Despite her husband’s infidelity, Frida Kahlo continued to write heartfelt letters to him.
Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera
One of the letters Frida Kahlo wrote includes: “Nothing can compare to your hands and eyes. My body is filled with your image day after day. You are the mirror in the night, the faint light in my life. Your arms are where my life is warmed. All my joy is seeing you and feeling all my nerves tingle because of you.”
4. The love letter of Georgia O’Keeffe to Alfred Stieglitz
Georgia O’Keeffe was an American painter known for her abstract works. She married Alfred Stieglitz, a photographer and art gallery director, in 1916.
In many letters to her husband, Georgia O’Keeffe expressed the intense love within her. Among them is: “Darling – I am almost going mad with the desire to have you. If you don’t come tomorrow, I don’t know how I will be able to wait for you. I wonder, do you crave me as I feel right now? The kisses, the passion, the tenderness seem to melt together, entwined tightly.”
5. The love letter by writer Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher
The famous French writer, poet, and playwright – Victor Hugo wrote numerous tearful love letters to the woman he loved – Adele Foucher. Despite opposition from both families, Victor Hugo and Adele Foucher were determined to be together.
The love story of Victor Hugo…
…and Adele Foucher went through countless storms
Due to their long-distance love, Victor Hugo poured his passionate love into letters for his beloved. Here is an excerpt from a letter Victor Hugo sent to “my love” in 1821: “My beloved! Even in a crowd, when two souls find each other, this harmony will blaze, originating from the Earth and soaring to heaven. That is passion, true love. That love comes from the depths of my heart, with a sincere heart, along with the sacrifice of the sweetest things.
You are the one who ignited that love in me. The pure and intense love of angels. I will tell you a thousand times that I love you, dearly love you. If you love me too, even just a little, you will also find joy because I will always be happy to repeat these words to you.”