Many people around the world have reported sightings of flying saucers, encounters with extraterrestrial beings, and even mysterious disappearances attributed to alien abductions. Additionally, numerous individuals claim to have had “premonitions” about future events, which later occurred as predicted.
How has science approached and explained these phenomena? In this article, we present the interpretations of several scientists worldwide for your consideration.
Four-Dimensional Space
As we know, the space we inhabit is three-dimensional. However, to explain these phenomena, scientists propose that there may be more than three dimensions (four dimensions, five dimensions, etc.). Those who have encountered extraterrestrial beings are believed to possess a special ability that allows them to access the mysterious four-dimensional realm, enabling them to see images that others cannot perceive.
According to scientists, the human brain is normally incapable of imagining four-dimensional space. This can be illustrated as follows: Let’s assume there are beings living in two-dimensional space (existing on a flat plane). On that plane, they have no awareness of the existence of three-dimensional space. Thus, all their movements are confined to that plane, and they cannot access the third dimension as we do. If a sphere were to enter their world, these two-dimensional beings would initially see a point of light, which would expand into increasingly larger circles until it reaches a maximum size, then shrink back down to a point and disappear. Consequently, they only perceive circles without grasping the entire story of the sphere itself.
However, mysterious phenomena can sometimes occur for beings in two-dimensional space. For example, if it takes them about ten years to traverse the distance from point A to point B on the plane (two-dimensional space), an event might occur where that plane curves into three-dimensional space, bringing points A and B closer together or even overlapping. This results in a miraculous event for them: the journey from A to B that usually takes years can be completed in an instant.
Returning to the previous issue, scientists explain that three-dimensional space exists within the cradle of four-dimensional space (just as two-dimensional space exists within three-dimensional space). Those who have the ability to penetrate into the fourth dimension find that distances of thousands of kilometers or even light-years lose all significance. They can traverse these distances in the blink of an eye by passing through a “gateway” of the fourth dimension. This “gateway” separates two worlds: the world of three-dimensional space and the world of four-dimensional space. This is the opportunity for lower-level beings to access the fourth dimension, similar to how some people on Earth have encountered extraterrestrial beings.
To prove the existence of the fourth dimension, American scientists plan to create a miniature measuring device to detect unusual effects that could lead to the conclusion of the existence of other dimensions. The principle behind this experiment is as follows: According to string theory, in extremely narrow spatial regions (on the nanometer scale; 1nm = 10^-7cm), space would be compacted into other dimensions (fourth, fifth, etc.). This would alter the gravitational forces between objects within that space. Therefore, if an experiment can be developed to demonstrate this change in gravitational force, it could be concluded that a fourth dimension exists.
The scientists intend to measure the gravitational force between two ultra-thin metal sheets, positioned a nanometer apart. To accurately measure this gravitational force, they need to eliminate a factor known as the Casimir effect.
According to quantum mechanics, this effect arises from virtual photons, which spontaneously appear in a vacuum and then disappear. Normally, various photons with different wavelengths exist in space. However, between two extremely narrow metal plates, this is not possible. Here, only photons with wavelengths smaller than or equal to the distance between the two sheets exist. The result is that there will be fewer photons between the two sheets than outside. The difference in the number of photons inside and outside the metal sheets creates a small pressure that pushes them together. This force is known as the Casimir effect.
To eliminate this effect, scientists will conduct experiments with identical metal sheets but made from different isotopes. The Casimir effect will be the same between them, but the gravitational forces will differ (the sheet with the heavier isotope will generate a greater gravitational force). By comparing these two gravitational forces, scientists can eliminate the Casimir effect from their measurements.
Scientists hope to conduct these experiments in the near future. If successful, it would be a groundbreaking event, confirming the existence of the fourth dimension—an idea that Stephen Hawking claimed is unimaginable for the average human brain.
The Universe in Stephen Hawking’s 11-Dimensional Coordinate System:
British physicist Stephen Hawking has developed a model of the universe based on intricate mathematical formulas. These groundbreaking discoveries by Hawking seem to challenge traditional scientific viewpoints and are presented through M-theory—an acronym that signifies magical, mystical, and mother. This theory is regarded as a synthesis of quantum theory and relativity. While relativity explains the world on a macroscopic scale related to gravity, in quantum theory (which describes the microscopic world), this interaction does not exist. Therefore, Hawking’s M-theory is referred to as “quantum gravity theory.” According to Hawking, this theory provides an accurate explanation of the nature of the universe.
In developing M-theory, Hawking believes he has achieved breakthrough results based on a well-known theory in recent years: String Theory. This theory posits that the smallest components making up the universe are string-like forms, not particles. Surrounding these strings, according to Hawking, exists a gravitational field, and the magnitude of that field can be determined (as described in the experiments planned by American scientists above).
Based on his “quantum gravity theory,” Hawking calculated that our universe is formed from 11 dimensions. However, only three spatial dimensions and one time dimension are open, while the other seven dimensions are compacted since the Big Bang.
Commenting on Hawking’s new theory, the German scientific journal P. M wrote: “As you read these lines, simultaneously, hundreds of people within you are reading it—your companions—all shrugging as you do, all shaking their heads in doubt…“
Hawking’s theory is generating significant controversy, as this physicist claims that the phenomenon of “premonition” can be scientifically explained through M-theory: In this model of the universe, countless different versions of you exist simultaneously within one individual. Moreover, all information about the universe across all ages is present at once. Thus, the phenomenon of “premonition” can be explained by the idea that another version of you has experienced what you are about to go through and is conveying that knowledge to you in advance.
Stunning Images of Four-Dimensional Space:
Ordinary photographs capture fleeting moments. However, exposure techniques allow us to “record time” and create incredibly vivid images.
A train seemingly created from thousands of light rays.
Multicolored street lights appearing as though from another planet.
Long exposure photograph of the Milky Way.
Light trails created by an airplane taking off.
The movement of rowers on the river, with an LED lighting system installed to create this image.
Long exposure image of fireflies in a forest in Japan.
Creating an effect for a magical Christmas tree.
This is how fireflies paint the sky under night lights.
Brilliant fireworks.
The propeller of an airplane.