Individuals with epilepsy should maintain a light diet, avoiding overly fatty or sweet foods that can create phlegm. Recommended food options include beans, fish, and lean meats. Certain medicinal dishes made from green persimmons, turtle, and goat brain can also be utilized…
Take 500 g of green persimmons, crush them, add clean water, and boil in a clay pot for 15 minutes. Remove the persimmons, discard the seeds, and crush them again. Return the crushed seeds to the boiling water and simmer for half an hour on low heat, then strain to obtain a thick liquid. Add 24 g of alum powder, mix well, and consume. Drink twice a day, in the morning and evening, with 9 g mixed with sugar water after meals. This remedy is suitable for individuals with epilepsy characterized by turbid phlegm and heat phlegm.
For fresh persimmons, the quantity is not fixed. Remove the seeds and dip them in alum powder to eat, twice a day. Ten jujubes can be boiled to make a drink. This is also beneficial for individuals with epilepsy with turbid phlegm and heat phlegm.
Take 20 fresh persimmons, crush them, and boil them in water over high heat. Then reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the liquid, add one egg, and cook without any seasonings, consuming once a day. This remedy is suitable for those with long-term epilepsy, who are weak and have excessive phlegm.
For goat brain, take one set, blanch it in boiling water, remove the membrane and tendons from the surface. Add 12 g of longan flesh and 9 g of dried tangerine peel, and simmer until thoroughly cooked, dividing into portions. This is appropriate for individuals with epilepsy, who have both spleen and heart deficiencies, and experience stagnant, turbid phlegm.
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(Image: VNE) |
Use 150 g of millet and 10 jujubes, add enough water to cook a thick porridge, mixing in a little malt extract. Consume in two portions throughout the day. This dish is suitable for those with deficiencies in the heart and spleen.
For turtle, take one, clean it thoroughly, add 15 g of goji berries and 9 g of dried tangerine peel, and simmer until tender, dividing into meals. Eat once every two weeks. This is used for individuals with kidney and liver yin deficiency.
For a yellow hen, clean it, remove the internal organs, and place 50 g of raw chestnuts inside the hen’s cavity. Add water and simmer until the chestnuts are soft. This should be divided into meals. It is beneficial for individuals with spleen and kidney deficiency. It is advisable to avoid raw or cold dishes, limit alcohol, and refrain from fresh seafood to prevent damage to the spleen and stomach, which could lead to phlegm accumulation.
Additionally, individuals with epilepsy should choose cool, refreshing drinks that can soothe the heart and bile, clear heat, and reduce phlegm. Those with epilepsy and weak constitutions should enhance their nutrition, ensuring adequate protein and calories, with options including goat meat and turtle eggs.
Note: One tael is equivalent to 4 g; one tael is equivalent to 40 g.