Today, yellow roses symbolize sincere friendship, selflessness, and warm love. However, in the past, yellow roses were associated with betrayal in love.
The Legend of the Yellow Rose
The yellow rose carries the tragic tale of the beautiful Elisa. Elisa was the daughter of Zeus, the king of the gods, and a mortal woman. As the beloved daughter, her father bestowed upon her the power of beauty and unparalleled intelligence, causing everyone to bow before her.
As the years passed, Elisa grew up in the affectionate care of the gods and her father. One day, Eros, the god of love, visited Elisa to present her with gems imbued with the love he had gathered. Elisa eagerly pleaded with Eros to teach her archery. Unfortunately, she accidentally slipped, and an arrow struck Eros’s heart.
The yellow rose carries the tragic tale of the beautiful Elisa.
And in that moment, he realized: He had fallen in love with her! From that day on, Eros was afflicted with unrequited love. He lost interest in everything and became obsessed with gazing at Elisa, longing for her presence. His bow was left abandoned, and his arrows rusted, as love ceased to reach the hearts of mortals.
After some time, Zeus learned of the situation. He arranged a grand wedding for the talented couple, uniting them as husband and wife. Eros built an opulent glass palace adorned with rubies and jewels, wishing for Elisa to remain there for only him to admire. Out of love, she vowed to wait in the palace, but Eros continued to wander, leaving her in lonely anticipation.
Then one day, the Goddess of Envy appeared. She waited until Eros fell asleep from exhaustion, then stealthily pulled the arrow from his heart and blew into it a breath of “forgetfulness”. Eros awoke, suddenly devoid of any memories of the past. He became preoccupied with his wanderings and no longer visited his young bride…
Alone, disappointed, and sorrowful, Elisa fell ill. Her condition grew worse each day until she ultimately passed away.
Zeus, unable to bear the thought of his daughter’s body turning to dust, decreed: “I will transform you into a rose, for only a rose can match your nobility, and only the thorns of a rose can protect you from harm. Your color will not be a deep red or a gentle pink, but a fiery yellow. So that the one who betrayed you will feel regret whenever they see a yellow rose, and your thorns will cause them pain, just as you have suffered because of them…”
And thus, on Earth, a type of yellow rose emerged, symbolizing betrayal.
The Meaning of Yellow Roses Today
Yellow roses are often chosen to gift to friends, family, or colleagues.
Today, yellow roses symbolize sincere friendship, selflessness, and warm love.
With their warm yellow hue, yellow roses express feelings of warmth, joy, creativity, and pride. They are often chosen as gifts for friends, family, or colleagues.
Yellow roses also represent the warmth and freshness of spring, carrying messages of happiness and new beginnings in life.
Moreover, yellow roses hold a unique significance as a bridge for mended relationships that have been strained or conflicted. They convey a message of moving past the past and being ready to start anew.