Besides April 30, which is a major holiday in Vietnam, the world also observes May 1 as International Labor Day, making it another significant celebration in Vietnam.
History and Significance of the Southern Liberation Day, National Reunification on April 30
Forty-six years ago, the Spring Offensive of 1975, culminating in the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign, achieved complete victory. April 30, 1975, has gone down in the nation’s history as a brilliant milestone ushering our country into a new era—an era of national independence and socialism. From this point forward, the entire Party, people, and army focused their efforts and intellect on healing the wounds of war and building a new life; constructing and protecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
The victory on April 30, 1975, is a monumental achievement in the struggle for national liberation and social emancipation led by our Party and President Ho Chi Minh; it is a glorious chapter in the long history of nation-building and defense that spans thousands of years. Our military and people triumphed over the most powerful and aggressive enemy of progressive humanity; they heroically concluded a 30-year struggle for independence, freedom, and reunification for the Fatherland; they ended over a century of colonial domination, both old and new, over our country; this victory exemplifies the success of the global revolutionary movement, contributing to the advancement of the struggle for national independence, peace, democracy, and social progress worldwide; it inspires and motivates nations embarking on their own liberation movements against neo-colonialism globally.
At the end of 1974 and the beginning of 1975, recognizing the rapidly changing balance of forces in the South favoring the revolution, the Central Committee of the Party Politburo proposed a plan for the complete liberation of the South in the years 1975 and 1976. The Politburo emphasized that “the whole year of 1975 is an opportunity” and pointed out that “if the opportunity arises at the beginning or end of 1975, we must immediately liberate the South within that year.” They also stressed the need to seize opportunities for a swift victory to minimize casualties and losses for the people, preserve economic foundations, cultural projects, and reduce the devastation of war. Following our victories in the Central Highlands and the Hue-Da Nang campaigns, the Politburo assessed that “the strategic opportunity has come, and we have the conditions to fulfill our determination to liberate the South early” and made the decision: “we must concentrate our forces, technical equipment, and material as quickly as possible to liberate the South before the rainy season,” and the campaign to liberate Saigon-Gia Dinh was officially named “the Ho Chi Minh Campaign.” Before attacking to liberate Saigon, our forces launched offensives at Xuan Loc and Phan Rang, critical defensive bases of the enemy protecting Saigon from the east.
At 5 PM on April 26, our forces opened fire to commence the campaign, with five columns of troops breaking through the enemy’s defensive lines to advance into downtown Saigon, seizing their command centers. At 10:45 AM on April 30, our tanks and infantry entered the Independence Palace, capturing the entire cabinet of Saigon, and Dương Văn Minh, who had just assumed the presidency on April 28, was forced to surrender unconditionally. By 11:30 AM that same day, the revolutionary flag was hoisted over the Independence Palace, signaling the total victory of the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign.
The great victory of Spring 1975 demonstrated the intelligence and military strategy of our Party in leading and directing the revolutionary war, as well as the indomitable spirit of the Vietnamese people in the fight against foreign aggression. This victory ended the domination of imperialism and feudalism in our country, fulfilled the national democratic revolution, and unified the nation, while simultaneously opening a new era for our people, with the entire country advancing towards socialism. This victory has entered the history of our country and the world as a brilliant chapter of the 1970s, possessing profound international and contemporary significance.
Today, in the process of national renewal, we remain proud and grateful for the immense sacrifices of our heroes and past generations who bravely fought for independence and national reunification. We are even prouder and more confident in the wise and strategic leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, in the indomitable spirit and creativity of our people and our military. Every Vietnamese citizen is determined to continue to promote revolutionary heroism, self-reliance, solidarity, and determination to achieve economic and social development goals, as well as national defense and security objectives in accordance with the action program outlined in the Resolution of the 12th Party Congress.
History and Significance of International Labor Day on May 1
Every year, workers worldwide come together to celebrate International Labor Day on May 1. On this occasion, the AMC Website revisits the history and significance of this important day.
Immediately following the establishment of the First International in 1864, Marx regarded the shortening of working hours as a key struggle for the working class. At the First Congress of the First International held in Geneva (Switzerland) in September 1866, the issue of advocating for an eight-hour workday was considered a crucial task. The slogan for an eight-hour workday soon emerged in several areas of England, which had the most developed industrial sector at the time. This demand gradually spread to other countries.
Due to the migration of British workers to the U.S., the movement for an eight-hour workday gained traction in America starting in 1827, alongside the growth and development of the labor union movement. In 1868, the U.S. authorities were compelled to pass a law mandating an eight-hour workday for government agencies and enterprises. However, private enterprises continued to maintain work hours of 11 to 12 hours.
In 1884, at the major industrial city of Chicago, the American Federation of Labor passed a resolution stating: “…From May 1, 1886, the workday for all workers will be eight hours.” May 1 was chosen as it marked the beginning of the fiscal year for most factories and enterprises in America. On this day, new contracts between workers and employers would be signed, allowing capitalists to anticipate workers’ decisions without excuses for refusal.
On May 1, 1886, due to the inadequately met demands of workers, laborers across the United States participated in strikes to pressure employers to comply with their requests. The first strike took place in Chicago, where approximately 40,000 people did not report to work. They organized rallies and demonstrations throughout the city with banners reading “From today, no worker shall work more than eight hours a day! We demand eight hours of work, eight hours of rest, and eight hours of play!” The struggle attracted an increasing number of participants. On the same day, 5,000 strikes erupted in other industrial centers across the U.S., involving 340,000 workers. In Washington, New York, Baltimore, and Boston, over 125,000 workers won the right to an eight-hour workday.
The protests in Chicago became increasingly intense. Employers dismissed striking workers, hired replacements from other cities, and employed provocateurs and police to suppress and disrupt the workers’ struggle. Violent conflicts erupted, resulting in hundreds of workers being killed and injured, with many union leaders being arrested. Reports from the American Federation of Labor confirmed: “Never before in American history has there been such a strong and comprehensive uprising among the industrial populace.”
On June 20, 1889, three years after the “tragedy” in Chicago, the Second International convened in Paris (France). Under the leadership of Friedrich Engels, the First Congress of the Second International decided to designate May 1 each year as a day of solidarity and collective struggle for the working class of all nations.
Since then, May 1 has become International Labor Day, a day of struggle for the working class, a day for rest and solidarity, and a celebration for workers and laboring people worldwide.
In 1920, with Lenin’s approval, the Soviet Union became the first country to grant a public holiday for International Labor Day on May 1. This initiative was gradually embraced by many other countries around the world.
In Vietnam, after the establishment of the Indochinese Communist Party (1930), the Vietnamese working class adopted May 1 as the pinnacle of their struggle against colonialism and imperialism, fighting for independence, freedom, and democracy, as well as for economic and social rights. Prior to the August Revolution, the celebrations for International Labor Day on May 1 were often held secretly through flag-hoisting and leafleting. In 1936, due to the success of the French Popular Front and the Indochinese Democratic Front, International Labor Day was publicly celebrated for the first time in Hanoi, attracting a large number of people from various social strata. Notably, on May 1, 1938, a massive demonstration with tens of thousands of participants took place at the Hanoi Exhibition Ground, involving workers from 25 sectors, including railway workers, printers, farmers, women, the elderly, writers, and journalists. This was the largest rally during the democratic movement period (1936-1939), showcasing the solidarity and strength of the working people under the Party’s leadership. It marked a significant advancement in the Party’s organizational and leadership skills.
Today, International Labor Day has become a grand celebration for the working class and laboring people in Vietnam. It also symbolizes solidarity and friendship with the working class and laboring people worldwide, united in the struggle for peace, freedom, democracy, and social progress.
In 2024, April 30 and May 1 fall on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.