Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, was established over 40 years ago as a special day aimed at inspiring awareness and appreciation for the natural environment of our planet.
Origin and Significance of Earth Day
John McConnell, the founder of Earth Day, advocated for its celebration on March 21, 1970. The city of San Francisco, California, which translates to the “City of Saint Francis” (the patron saint of the environment), responded by declaring March 21, 1970, as Earth Day. Subsequently, United Nations Secretary-General U Thant proclaimed it as International Earth Day. This date marks the end of winter and the onset of spring, when trees begin to sprout new leaves.
However, a large number of groups later celebrated Earth Day on April 22, believing that it truly fell after Easter Sunday.
On this day, people organize activities aimed at protecting the environment.
The second Earth Day was initiated by Gaylord Nelson, a former Democratic senator from Wisconsin, USA, on April 22, 1970, with the participation of 20 million people.
This was a day when humanity paused its daily activities and concerns to think about and act for the natural world we inhabit.
On Earth Day, people typically organize activities aimed at protecting the environment, such as raising awareness to encourage everyone to join forces in protecting their living environment, organizing tree planting, waste collection, and promoting a clean and beautiful living environment.
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton once stated: “As the father of Earth Day, Nelson was also a pioneer who later contributed to the establishment of other events that followed Earth Day, including the Environmental Protection Act, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act.”
Nelson was an advocate for the protection of the natural environment and is recognized as one of the world’s first environmental leaders. He was known to be humble, humorous, and never swayed by the power and glamour of the positions he held.
In 1995, 15 years after retiring, Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton for his environmental efforts. He passed away on July 3, 2005.
Earth Day 2024
This year, Earth Day falls on Monday, April 22, 2024.
Today (April 22) is Earth Day, and the theme for Earth Day this year is “Planet and Plastic”, which calls for countries to reduce plastic production by 60% by 2040.
Countries around the world are currently making efforts to end plastic use and minimize the harm that plastic pollution causes to human health, wildlife, and biodiversity.
Research from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) shows that the world produces 400 million tons of plastic each year, with an estimated 79% ending up in landfills or polluting the environment, 12% incinerated, and only 9% recycled. With current plastic consumption and inadequate waste management, it is projected that by 2050, approximately 12 billion tons of plastic waste will be generated globally, leading to environmental pollution.
The theme for Earth Day 2024 is “Planet and Plastic”. (Image: Freepik).
According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam’s per capita plastic consumption has risen rapidly from 3.8 kg per person per year in 1990 to 41 kg per person per year in 2015, and currently stands at about 54 kg per person per year.
This increasing plastic consumption leads to a rise in plastic waste, an increased risk of white pollution (environmental pollution caused by plastic waste and nylon bags), and greater pressure on the environmental management system if not effectively and scientifically managed.
Recognizing the harmful effects of plastic waste on the environment and human health, the Vietnamese government has implemented various policies, participated in numerous forums, and strengthened international cooperation to proactively demonstrate its commitment to reducing plastic waste.
Previous Earth Day Themes
- Earth Day 2015 Theme: It’s Our Turn to Lead
- Earth Day 2016 Theme: Trees for the Earth!
- Earth Day 2017 Theme: Environmental and Climate Literacy
- Earth Day 2018 Theme: End Plastic Pollution
- Earth Day 2019 Theme: Protect Our Species
- Earth Day 2020 Theme: Climate Action
- Earth Day 2021 Theme: Restore Our Earth.
- Earth Day 2022 Theme: “Invest In Our Planet.”
Activities for Earth Day
To celebrate Earth Day, what we need to do is not limited to this specific day but should be ongoing and continuous:
- Clean up village roads, alleys, neighborhoods, public playgrounds, and water bodies…
- Plant many trees and organic vegetables
- Avoid using plastic bags or bottles
- Utilize kitchen waste for composting
- Make use of sunlight, choose energy-efficient devices, and turn off all electrical devices when not in use.
- Use public transportation or bicycles
- Eat seasonal foods and cultivate locally
- Reduce meat consumption to limit greenhouse gas emissions from livestock
- Opt for electronic bills instead of paper receipts
- Read on digital devices instead of printing on paper
- Hold online meetings
- Write articles promoting Earth Day
- Use less water
- Buy second-hand items that are still usable
Protecting the Earth is protecting ourselves!
In addition to the tasks listed above, there are many other actions, though small, that contribute significantly to preserving our Earth in a vibrant and healthy state.