Chronic migraine often causes extremely severe pain, which can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack by up to 42% if not treated in a timely manner.
According to the American Migraine Foundation, an estimated 39 million people in the United States live with migraine, often related to frequent and prolonged heat waves exacerbated by climate change.
Chronic migraine often causes extremely severe pain – (Photo: IANS Photo).
Elizabeth Loder, Head of the Headache Division at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, stated that half of migraine sufferers report that weather is one of their headache triggers. On July 10, the Washington Post published news about this finding.
“Experts agree that temperature can be a key factor, although the onset of a headache is often a combination of many complex environmental factors,” the report on the Washington Post noted.
According to experts, high temperatures are often accompanied by changes in atmospheric pressure, direct sunlight exposure, and humidity. These environmental changes can trigger headaches in those suffering from migraines.
Neurologist Jessica Ailani, Director of the Headache Center at MedStar Georgetown, shared that the brains of migraine sufferers do not respond well to change; they prefer a regular sleep schedule and consistent eating habits. Therefore, significant shifts in temperature and weather can adversely affect migraines.
However, experts are uncertain about the precise mechanisms by which temperature can induce headaches. According to Loder, excessive dehydration can cause the brain to shrink and affect blood vessels in the brain, leading to physical pain.
According to neurologist Narayan Kissoon of the Mayo Clinic, in some extreme cases, temperature can affect the function of nerve neurons. Consequently, changes in cellular function can lead to increased activity in the brain’s pain control centers.
Chronic migraine often causes extremely severe pain. The Harvard Medical School Health Report states that if this syndrome is not diagnosed and treated promptly, it can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack by 42% and result in many serious complications.