Not many people believe in the predictions of seers. However, one cannot ignore the fact that these predictions have come true up to 70% of the time.
The renowned seer Vanga was born on January 31, 1911, and passed away on August 11, 1996. She lived a secluded life in the remote village of Kozhuh, located in Petrich, Bulgaria. At the age of 12, Vanga lost her eyesight after being swept away by a powerful tornado. She was found barely alive, buried under dust and stones, with her eye sockets filled with sand.
From that moment, Vanga became acquainted with darkness and made her first prediction at the age of 16, successfully describing the location of her missing sheep, pinpointing the place where the thieves had hidden them.
However, Vanga’s prophetic abilities did not truly mature until she turned 30. Many people sought her out for prophecies, including the fascist leader Adolf Hitler. He visited Vanga and left her home with a heavy heart. Her extraordinary abilities were tied to the presence of invisible beings who provided her with information about individuals—from the moment they were born until their death.
Seer Vanga.
Vanga also claimed to have the ability to communicate with the dead from centuries past. She even revealed that extraterrestrials have been living on Earth for hundreds of years, coming from planets where a language called Vamfirm is spoken.
Famous predictions associated with Vanga
1. The Kursk Submarine
Exactly 20 years before the tragedy occurred, in 1980, Vanga predicted: “At the end of this century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will sink beneath the water, and the whole world will mourn for it.” At that time, no one paid attention to this seemingly absurd prediction. However, it was later revealed that the Kursk she mentioned was not referring to the city of Kursk. The Russian nuclear submarine named after this city encountered a catastrophic incident and sank forever to the ocean floor. The entire world lamented and wept for the victims trapped in this disaster.
2. The Outbreak of War
The seer predicted that in 2008, there would be numerous conflicts in the Indian subcontinent (including India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and Tibet), within the world of Hindus. Following this, an assassination of four government leaders attempting to target four heads of state would become one of the triggers for World War III in 2010.
3. Prediction about the 9/11 Terror Attacks
In a prediction from 1989, she stated: “Terrifying! Terrifying! The American twins will fall after being attacked by iron birds. The wolves will howl in the bushes, and the blood of the innocent will flow.” This seemed to have been fulfilled with the collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001.
The term “Twin Towers” also has another meaning, referring to “twins” or siblings. The terrorists hijacked all passengers on the planes—“the iron birds”—and crashed into the towers. “Bush” in English can also hint at the name of the then-current President, George W. Bush.
4. The Resurgence of Russia
In 1988, while predicting about Russia, Vanga drew a large circle in her palm and said: “Russia will once again become a great empire, a spiritual support for the whole world. However, we must wait a long time for the number 8 to appear and for agreements concerning the Earth.” In reality, if Russia becomes a powerful nation and joins the G7 to transform it into the G8, then it will influence the processes of war and peace worldwide.
5. Migration Crisis in Europe
“Many people will suffer. Misery will pour in from everywhere, touching all nations… People will walk barefoot, without shoes, without clothes, without fuel, without light…”.
Vanga’s prediction evokes thoughts of the largest migration crisis in decades currently unfolding in Europe.
6. The Rise of ISIS
It seems Vanga foresaw the emergence of the Islamic State (ISIS). This international terrorist organization is rapidly growing, ruthlessly killing countless innocent people and destroying significant historical monuments.
“There will come a time of suffering. Humanity will be divided by religious characteristics… Syria will collapse under the feet of the victor, but the victor will be unworthy…” This was the prediction made by the blind seer in 1978.
According to her predictions, “by 2043, Muslims will dominate Europe.”
Predictions about humanity for thousands of years to come:
2014 – The majority of humanity will suffer from festering diseases, skin cancer, and other skin conditions as a result of chemical warfare.
2016 – Europe will be nearly uninhabited.
2018 – China will become the new global superpower. Developed countries will exploit other nations by extracting mineral resources.
2019 – Vanga predicted that in 2019, a “major crisis” would lead to many losing their economies and jobs. Additionally, she predicted massacres would occur that year, which many would have to “endure.” A massive asteroid could fall from space, causing significant damage to Earth.
2023 – Earth’s orbit will change.
2025 – A small number of migrants will arrive in Europe.
2028 – Humanity will create a new source of energy, controlling thermonuclear reactions, and famine will gradually be mitigated. During this time, a manned spacecraft will land on Venus for the first time.
2033 – Ice in polar regions will melt. Sea levels in the Pacific Ocean will rise.
2043 – The global economy will thrive. Muslims will rule over all of Europe.
2046 – Any organ in the human body will be able to be transplanted. Replacing organs in the body will become one of the most effective healing methods.
2066 – During an Islamic attack on Rome, the United States will exploit a new form of weapon—weather warfare. At this time, there will be a sudden cold snap.
2076 – A classless society, also known as Communism, will form.
2084 – Humanity will restore nature.
2088 – A strange disease will emerge that “ages people within seconds.”
2097 – This terrible aging disease will spread globally.
2100 – Humanity will create artificial suns to illuminate the dark parts of the Earth.
2111 – Humanity will become exhausted.
2123 – Wars will break out among smaller nations.
2125 – In Hungary, strange signals from space will be received. At this time, humanity will once again remember the seer Vanga.
2130 – Many lands will be submerged in water.
2164 – Humanity will transform into a bizarre species (half-human, half-beast).
2167 – A new religion will emerge.
2170 – A prolonged drought will occur on Earth.
2187 – The two largest volcanoes in the world will cease erupting.
Year 2195 – Coastal countries will become prosperous in both energy and food.
Year 2196 – Asians and Europeans will live intermixed.
Year 2201 – The process of nuclear fusion on the Sun will cease, marking the beginning of a cooling period.
Year 2221 – During the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity will have a frightening encounter.
Year 2256 – A spacecraft will bring a terrible disease back to Earth.
Year 2262 – The orbits of the planets will gradually change. Around this time, a comet will threaten the survival of Mars.
Year 2271 – Physical constants will once again be altered.
Year 2273 – There will be turmoil among colored races: yellow, white, and black. Following this, new races will emerge.
Year 2279 – Humanity will harness energy from the vacuum or black holes.
Year 2288 – Encounters with extraterrestrials will occur.
Year 2291 – The Sun will cool down and then flare back up.
Year 2296 – The Sun will become more active, altering gravitational forces in space, causing chaos and disorientation for space stations and satellites.
Year 2299 – A new party will emerge in France opposing Muslims.
Year 2302 – New laws and secrets of the universe will be discovered.
Year 2304 – The secrets of the Moon will be uncovered.
Year 2341 – A highly dangerous celestial object will approach Earth.
Year 2354 – One of the artificial suns will malfunction, leading to a prolonged drought.
Year 2371 – A great famine will occur.
Year 2378 – New tribes will quickly form.
Year 2480 – Two artificial suns will collide, plunging Earth into chaos.
Year 3005 – New “wars” will arise on Mars, disrupting the orbits of the planets.
Year 3010 – A comet will collide with the Moon, creating a belt of rocks and dust around Earth.
Year 3797 – This marks the end of life on Earth. It will also serve as the foundation for humanity to begin a new life in another “solar system.” Ultimately, it will come to an end.
From 4302 to 4674 – Humanity will achieve immortality and assimilate with aliens. 340 billion people will be scattered throughout the universe and able to converse with God.
Year 5079 – The universe will come to an end.