An amateur writer had a wife who loved to cook and was fond of reading books. One day, after getting his article published, the writer received a copy of the newspaper along with his payment. He handed the article and the money to his wife to read. That afternoon, their dinner table was filled with boiled meat. While eating, the writer asked his wife:
– What do you think of the article I wrote?
His wife didn’t respond directly but said:
– Just look at the dinner table!
– Ah! THERE’S BOILED MEAT! – The writer understood his wife’s meaning.
The next time he had another article published, he again gave his wife the article along with his payment. This time, the dinner table was full of delicious grilled meat. As he reached for a bottle of wine to pour into his glass, the writer asked his wife:
– What do you think of this article I wrote?
His wife replied with a smile:
– Just look at the dinner table!
It was the same response as before. Initially, the writer felt a bit annoyed. After pouring the wine, he took a sip and grabbed a piece of the grilled meat. Just before he could eat, he realized that his wife’s way of answering was very practical and clever: the two articles were different, just like the two meals! The writer chuckled and said:
– You evaluate my writing based on kitchen standards!
– What do you mean by kitchen standards? – His wife asked back.
– It’s like last time: boiled meat! This time: fragrant grilled meat! That means you’re saying “my writing has improved,” right?