The reporter had a conversation with Professor Dao Vong Duc, former director of the Institute of Physics and former director of the Center for Human Potential Research on Science and Spirituality.
Science and Spirituality Are Not Opposed
He is a dedicated scientist passionate about exploring and researching spirituality. What are your thoughts on the interaction between science and spirituality?
In the 20th century, physics joyfully welcomed the emergence of the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Theory. In the 21st century, as predicted by many renowned scholars, we will witness a great advancement—a realization that science and spirituality are not opposed. They are two complementary aspects essential for understanding reality. The famous 20th-century physicist Wolfgang Pauli stated: “If physics and spirituality are viewed as complementary aspects of reality, it would be extremely satisfying.”
However, there is a reality that some phenomena that cannot be explained, those that seem elusive or even nonsensical, lead some people to claim: The Buddha says so, the Saints say so…
Einstein expressed views on the similarities between modern science and Buddhism. For example, the postulate of quantum theory known as the “principle of complementarity” asserts that waves and particles are two complementary aspects of reality. This principle leads to a crucial consequence: microscopic objects do not move along any defined trajectory, meaning they can transition from one position to another via countless paths simultaneously.
Expanding this idea, a microscopic object can exist in numerous different positions at once, embody countless states at the same time, and perform innumerable tasks concurrently. This evokes the Buddhist texts that speak of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas manifesting countless forms to traverse the three thousand great thousand worlds, teaching and saving sentient beings.
Professor Dao Vong Duc
The Need for Support from “Direct Insight into True Suchness”
Regardless of how he proves it, it is evident that there are still many mysteries that science has yet to explain?
When researching fields with varying degrees of subtlety, the approach must differ. Particularly with ultra-subtle phenomena, it is necessary to employ completely new concepts and axioms, which may be quite alien to what is previously known. For instance, there may also be forms of ultra-interaction corresponding to forms of super-energy, related to supernatural phenomena that normal human senses cannot perceive, and current science and technology are not advanced enough to detect.
Especially in the microscopic world, where all interactions are governed by quantum laws, the principle of complementarity stands out as a fundamental principle leading to many mystical occurrences, which often cannot be thoroughly expressed using conventional logical language, but require the support of the element of “direct insight into true suchness” (enlightenment).
Currently, spiritual activities are not widely supported. Is it because the issue of spirituality has yet to prove its clarity, positive aspects, and benefits for social life?
In recent decades, there has been an increasing amount of information about the special abilities of humans, mystical phenomena manifesting diversely in both domestic and global communities. Approaching these issues objectively, with a sincere attitude of inquiry, respect for the truth, and a humble willingness to learn for the ultimate purpose of serving the community’s interests is a sentiment shared by many. Alongside this, there are also negative phenomena that lead to detrimental consequences, harming the reputation of those genuinely engaged in these activities.
So, in your view, is there a way to curb these negative aspects?
In addition to enhancing state management, scientifically clarifying spiritual phenomena is also a very effective contribution.
Do you believe in fate?
Theoretically, no one has proven whether fate exists or not. It depends on the beliefs and experiences of each individual.
I strongly resonate with the words of the great scientist Einstein when he affirmed: “Science, Religion, and Art are branches of the same tree… Science without Religion is lame. Religion without Science is blind“.
On this note, I would also like to add that the achievements of modern physics shed new light on predictive science. Prediction is closely related to the dimensions of space and time. Einstein stated: “The past, present, and future are merely persistent illusions.” Schrödinger, the author of the fundamental equation in quantum theory, expressed: “There is only now, forever… The present is the only thing that has no end.”
Buddhism Guides Us Away from Delusion Towards Enlightenment
As far as I know, even in science, there are things that have been proven but do not appear explicitly?
Nature has endowed our universe with various interactions optimally including strong interaction, weak interaction, electromagnetic interaction, and gravitational interaction. These are the most fundamental interactions that create the fabric of our universe.
Every type of interaction, no matter how complex, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, originates from these basic interactions. A timely research direction today is the construction of a Unified Theory, which seeks to find a common design structure that links various interactions on the same foundation, and the most promising approach to this Unified Theory is String Theory.
Interestingly, in String Theory, there must be “Vong” fields. These “Vong” fields play a crucial role in the structure of the theory, governing the interaction mechanisms, yet they do not appear explicitly in reality.
From the perspective of a scientist, what message would you like to convey to those engaged in spiritual research and those with special abilities?
This is a challenging but promising scientific expedition, requiring a harmonious combination of Science and Spirituality, the enduring contributions of scientists and psychics. We have grounds to hope that, with the increasingly extensive development of science and technology, we will gradually approach phenomena that until now have been regarded as mystical or almost nonsensical. We will acquire effective methods and make strides in the spirit of “Buddhism guides us away from delusion towards enlightenment.”
Thank you very much. I hope that all souls and individuals still lost in confusion will find their way to the shore of Enlightenment. Wishing you good health!