When attacked by a fierce dog, do not show panic or run away. This behavior only provokes them to attack you immediately.
What to Do When Attacked by a Fierce Dog?
Currently, the trend of keeping pet dogs is booming, accompanied by the introduction of many aggressive breeds such as Pitbulls, Tibetan Mastiffs, and Neapolitan Mastiffs. Even with careful training, these breeds can sometimes become uncontrollable, attacking other animals and even humans.
Unlike regular dogs, these are true “predators,” with powerful muscles and sharp teeth. Being hesitant when facing them can lead to unfortunate consequences, the most serious being fatal attacks.
So, what should you do if you unexpectedly encounter a fierce dog? Let’s explore the following article for guidance.
Why Do Dogs Attack?
According to some American experts, all dogs have the potential to attack humans, but not all of them want to. The cases of dogs attacking people often stem from sudden movements as a result of a developmental process.
Since dogs are often kept outside, they tend to bark at passersby. Naturally, pedestrians often ignore them and continue walking. This behavior develops a “sense of victory” in dogs, making them more aggressive.
“Dog fighting” is also one of the reasons that makes dogs more aggressive and brutal.
Additionally, aggressive breeds like Pitbulls are often trained by their owners through methods such as consuming raw meat or participating in dog fights, which makes them more brutal and prone to sudden attacks on other pets and even humans.
Professor Stanley Coren has conducted research that attempts to link dog attacks with the personality traits of the victims. Interestingly, they found a significant personality aspect.
Researchers typically asked questions focused on neuroticism (irritability, anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, hostility, and vulnerability) of the survey participants.
From these studies, scientists found that individuals with neurotic traits have a 22% higher risk of being bitten by dogs compared to emotionally stable individuals.
The research team struggled to explain why highly neurotic individuals are more prone to dog attacks. It’s possible that the anxiety and insecurity of an individual leads them to emit different pheromones (biologically meaningful scent molecules).
Professor Stanley Coren. (Photo: hubbleandhattie.com).
Some studies indicate that certain pheromones can help calm dogs. Therefore, it seems plausible that other pheromones could incite aggressive behavior in dogs. The discomfort associated with high levels of neuroticism can facilitate the production of such pheromones.
Professor Stanley Coren notes that dogs are masters at reading body language. A person exhibiting signs of anxiety and fear can make those around them uncomfortable— a phenomenon known as emotional contagion.
Perhaps dogs feel the same way; their discomfort prompts them to act. With their less refined reasoning, they may conclude that the most effective way to keep this slightly bothersome person at bay is through a warning bite.
Thus, individuals displaying signs of neuroticism may become targets of dog aggression simply because they elicit discomfort in nearby dogs.
How to Prevent Dog Attacks?
If you come face to face with an aggressive Pitbull, always remember this: Stay calm.
Research has shown that dogs can sense fear or anxiety in their prey, which makes them more aggressive.
How would you react if you encountered a “guy” like this?
Do not scream or attempt to kick the dog. Dogs—especially inherently aggressive breeds like Pitbulls and Neapolitan Mastiffs—often aim to create panic in their victims before attacking. Therefore, maintaining composure and controlling your body language will help to calm them down.
Next, you should avoid direct eye contact with the dog. Most of us, even when calm, cannot escape the feeling of fear.
Thus, looking directly into the eyes of an aggressive dog can signal that you are anxious. Additionally, aggressive dogs may interpret this as a provocation, making them more likely to attack.
Once you have “calmed” the dog’s aggression, find a way to retreat. If you are holding a stick or an umbrella, extend it in front of you (but do not point it at the dog). This will make your silhouette appear larger and seemingly more intimidating in their eyes. When the aggressive dog senses that you are not threatened by it, it is likely to back off.
What to Do If Attacked by a Dog
“Life is not always a dream”, so even if you take all the correct precautions mentioned above, you may still be attacked by a dog.
Things can become even more dangerous if a Pitbull suddenly attacks when you least expect it. So, what should you do in such a scenario?
If the dog is “determined” to attack you, what should you do?
First, if you have enough time to maneuver, the best thing to do is to let the dog bite something other than you.
For example, you can take off a sleeve and offer it for the dog to bite. As soon as the dog grabs the “bait,” quickly remove your clothing and slowly back away.
Research has shown that when a dog bites something from its prey, it can become distracted for a time, giving you enough opportunity to escape.
Using “bait” to distract the dog is one effective method.
You can also use other items, such as a stick, scarf, or even a shoe—if you can retrieve them quickly enough.
However, if time does not permit, always protect your face, chest, and throat. These are the areas that aggressive dogs instinctively target.
Furthermore, keep your hands clenched if you want to avoid having your fingers bitten. If you find yourself in a position where a bite is unavoidable, the safest areas to be bitten are the forearms or shins. Being bitten in the thigh carries a high risk of hitting the femoral artery, which could lead to severe blood loss and potentially death.
Protect your face, throat, and chest, which are vulnerable areas.
However, lying still and waiting is not a good option, as large dogs have powerful jaws and can crush your arm.
When attacked, you can retaliate by kicking at vulnerable points like the throat, nose, or neck. Additionally, you can use any chemical spray, such as perfume or hairspray, that you might have on hand.
When attacked, look for ways to fight back. Targeting weak points such as the nose, throat, and neck can make the dog hesitate.
It’s important to remember that no matter how big a dog is, it only has one mouth, while we have two hands. If bitten, try to attack the eyes – the weak spot of all animals – until it releases you.
Chemical sprays like perfume and hair spray can also be effective weapons.
And finally, after escaping from the dog and treating your wounds, you need to quickly… get a rabies vaccination. You won’t know if the dog that attacked you has rabies, so it’s better to be cautious before it’s too late.