In ancient times, there were many prophets, and some prophecies turned out to be remarkably accurate. For instance, the “I Ching” created by Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang during the Tang Dynasty in China predicted the direction of the Tang dynasty for thousands of years. Importantly, some of his predictions came true, such as the rise of the Ming Dynasty.
However, the world was truly shocked by the prophecies of the Maya. You should know that the Maya civilization, thousands of years ago, was highly developed in many fields: literature, mathematics, astronomy, architecture, etc. While the first four prophecies they made came true, the last prophecy regarding the apocalypse in 2012 fortunately did not happen. So why did the fifth prophecy of the Maya hold no value?
The Maya believed that everything in the world develops constantly and cyclically. (Illustrative image).
The Maya civilization likely existed from the 10th century BC to the mid and late 8th century AD, being a very ancient and wise people named after the Maya Indians. This civilization was independently born from the red-skinned Maya, separate from the ancient civilizations of Asia, Africa, and Europe, making it the only ancient civilization in the world that arose in tropical rainforests rather than river basins. The prophecies left by the Maya refer to a total of five cycles of destruction and rebirth in our world.
One cycle is called the Age of the Sun. The first Age of the Sun in the previous Ages of the Sun is the Gendaya civilization. This civilization is exaggerated. It is said to be a superpower civilization. However, there is very little information about it, thus lacking modern theoretical foundations. The second Age of the Sun is also the civilization of Mesopotamia, which is a continuation of the previous civilization, but in this Age of the Sun, the superpowers disappeared.
The third Age of the Sun is the Murian civilization, which is also a continuation of the previous civilization; they began to harness plant energy. This civilization was destroyed by the sinking of the continent, and the fourth Age of the Sun is the more familiar Atlantis civilization. They inherited the last civilization, not as a continuation, because Atlantis came from the colonists of Orion. It existed since the time of the Murian civilization, and there were wars between these two civilizations, which also faced destruction from natural disasters. The last year, 2012, was to mark the beginning of the fifth Age of the Sun, a year in which life in the Northern Hemisphere would perish and civilization would collapse.
The first four Ages of the Sun cannot be verified due to a lack of data, and the Maya did not only predict the Ages of the Sun. There are four other prophecies: the first prophecy predicted the appearance of cars and airplanes in the world, the second predicted World War II, the third predicted the rise of Hitler, and the fourth predicted the end of the Maya themselves. The last one was the apocalyptic date of December 20, 2012. It is not difficult for us in modern society to see that the first four have come to fruition, and they were extremely accurate regarding the time of the war and the rise of Hitler. So why did the prophecy about the final apocalypse not come true?
After extensive research, some experts have made some speculations about whether we misunderstood the final prediction. The prophecy actually refers to the replacement of civilizations. The Maya felt that everything in the world develops constantly and cyclically. After the 21st century, humanity has taken a completely different path from previous societies; isn’t that similar to a replacement of civilizations?
The Maya also stated that the Earth does not belong to humanity, but humanity belongs to the Earth. We are currently living in the fifth Age of the Sun. Therefore, the Maya said that December 20, 2012 marked the end, not as the apocalypse, but as the moment humanity’s spirit began to awaken and rapidly develop, and human consciousness regarding the universe will reach a higher level.