The Latitude of the Pyramid Matches the Speed of Light: Is This Just a Coincidence?
Scientists state that the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s, while the geographical coordinates of the Giza Pyramid are 29.9792458 degrees North. The numerical coincidence is indeed surprising.
There is a surprising coincidence between the geographical coordinates of the Giza Pyramid and the speed of light.
Interestingly, it wasn’t until 1950, thousands of years after the Giza Pyramid was completed, that humans could measure the speed of light and define it in terms of “meters.” Furthermore, it was only in 1791 that the unit “meter” was officially established as one of the primary units of measurement.
Without modern technical devices for measurement, how could the Egyptians have understood the speed of light and positioned the apex of the pyramid at such a coincidental latitude?
According to the beliefs of ancient Egyptians, this does not seem to be a mere coincidence.
The pyramid was built for very high spiritual and cultural purposes. The pyramid symbolizes royalty and sacredness. Besides being regarded as the tomb of great Pharaohs, the pyramid was also seen as a pathway for kings to the afterlife and to meet the gods.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the pyramid represented the mystical power of the universe. The shape of the pyramid resembles a symbol of a giant staircase leading closer to the Sun and the Universe. The Egyptians worshiped the Sun god Ra, and Pharaohs often referred to themselves as the children of the Sun god. Constructing a pyramid was like building a staircase for Pharaohs to draw nearer to their “divine father.”
Moreover, light and the Sun are undoubtedly closely related. Thus, placing the apex of the Giza Pyramid, the largest pyramid, at coordinates that match the speed of light could also be the intention of ancient Egyptian architects to enable the souls of Pharaohs to harmonize with the energy of light?
Whether it is a random coincidence or a calculated design, it cannot be denied that the Pyramid still harbors many mysteries that remain unexplained to this day.