A jealous student wanted to test his wife’s loyalty. One evening, he hid in a corner, waiting for his wife to pass by, then jumped out to embrace her. Startled, his wife cried out. He was very pleased and said:
– Truly, we are blessed to have a faithful wife.
One day, while reading about the historical figure Qin Hui, who was responsible for the death of Yue Fei, he became very angry. Holding a bowl in his hand, he threw it to the ground, shattering it. Seeing this, his wife remarked:
– We have ten bowls in total, you’ve already broken nine, and now you’re going to break this one too. What will we drink from?
Upon hearing this, he glared and shouted:
– Ah! Are you defending Qin Hui? Or have you been having an affair with him?