KeyPhantom by DesignREM is a hardware device that resembles a regular USB extension cable but functions as a keylogger.
A keylogger is software that records user keystrokes. Sensitive information, from passwords and banking account details to private conversations, can easily be stolen by this type of software.
The KeyPhantom USB Keylogger is designed to look like a typical USB cable and can store up to 2 million keystrokes in its flash memory. It operates by connecting between the computer’s USB port and the keyboard that uses a USB connection. When users type on their keyboard, the information is saved to the KeyPhantom’s flash memory. Users can later retrieve the keystrokes recorded by the KeyPhantom.
In addition to its keyboard logging function, KeyPhantom can also be used as a regular USB adapter with a length of 50cm. DesignREM has released three types of KeyPhantom aimed at different user groups. The KeyPhantom Home is intended for household users, priced at $199, and it can store data from any computer. The KeyPhantom Corporate, priced at $269, is designed for businesses, while the KeyPhantom Forensic is targeted at law enforcement professionals, priced at $349.
Now, the backup of sensitive information theft through keyloggers can be executed via both hardware and software. Consequently, the current computer systems, when integrated with this hardware keylogger device, may be visible. However, in the future, it could potentially be embedded directly into the keyboard, making it challenging for users to defend against.
Using keylogger software or hardware can be a double-edged sword, as it can also be exploited by those with malicious intent.