The online gaming industry (Online Games) has positive aspects, but it also has numerous negative impacts, especially on the youth, causing social concerns.
Currently, management efforts are inadequate and have not kept pace with the actual situation, lacking fundamental and coordinated solutions. This was the conclusion shared by Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem in a recent announcement from the Government Office.
The Deputy Prime Minister has requested the Ministry of Culture and Information to study and propose amendments and supplements to relevant policies and laws, focusing on combining specific measures to closely manage the provision and distribution of gaming programs, strictly regulate business agents, and monitor players to minimize the negative aspects of online gaming.
The Ministry of Culture and Information is responsible for leading and coordinating with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Public Security to develop and issue a joint circular regarding temporary regulations for managing online games within this December.
The Ministry of Culture and Information should work with the Central Committee for Ideology and Culture to guide public information agencies to enhance reporting on online games and reflect the government’s management activities concerning this service, ensuring that it serves healthy entertainment and minimizes negative effects.
The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications will have to lead and collaborate with relevant agencies to establish technical management regulations and business conditions for online gaming.