Online photo-sharing services are gradually becoming outdated, making way for newer multimedia file-sharing services such as video, music, and other file sharing that are thriving. To meet this trend, Streamload has quickly adapted and introduced significant upgrades to their service. The new version of this service is called MediaMax. Similar to the old service, MediaMax provides a personal webpage that allows users to easily store and share not only digital photos but also videos, songs, and various files.
MediaMax is akin to Glide, offering tools to manage and enjoy multimedia rather than merely sharing files with other users. Although the interface of MediaMax cannot compare to Glide, it is still much better than many other services. MediaMax has notable improvements compared to its predecessor. Now, this service offers ActiveX controls, allowing users to upload all necessary files in just one go. After installation, uploading files is as simple as dragging and dropping within the browser window.
Users can upload anything they like, from digital photos and video files to MP3 songs and Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents. This service utilizes a File Manager tool that simplifies file management. The File Manager can organize multimedia files in a structured manner, allowing users to move and sort video files, digital photos, and music into separate folders for more efficient file management.
Ultimately, the website offers online storage to keep important information secure. MediaMax provides ample storage space for backing up critical data. Notably, this service automatically detects popular multimedia files, allowing users to use these files directly on the website. For instance, if you click on a video file with a “wmv” extension, Streamload will automatically launch the video player software, enabling you to enjoy the movie online.
The file-sharing service also employs a similar interface. Users can send files to other users by attaching files in emails or providing a link for recipients to download the files. The file-sharing service also supports setting expiration dates for each link to these files and offers password protection.
Copyright issues are always a concern with file-sharing services. What about MediaMax? The File Manager of MediaMax allows you to share everything, but Streamload has implemented certain limitations to protect copyright.
MediaMax also offers significantly larger upload capacities and bandwidth compared to the older version. With a free account, users can store up to 25 GB of data and share a maximum of 500 MB each month. Moreover, each uploaded file is no longer restricted to a maximum size of 25 MB.
However, MediaMax does have its drawbacks. After you upload files, they do not appear immediately. Before the upload process is complete, MediaMax does not provide any means to track the upload status. Often, users may have to wait from 10 to 15 minutes for the upload process to finish.
In conclusion, MediaMax is an online service that facilitates sharing everything from digital photos, videos, music, to various files. This service offers extensive storage capacity and is quite appealing. Notably, creating a free account is straightforward and quick. You can register for this service at:
Minh Phúc