Technologies that seem to belong to modern times have actually been around since ancient times, showcasing the extraordinary creativity of our ancestors.
Some Technological Inventions by Our Ancestors
From ancient to medieval times, there have been incredibly sophisticated technologies that continue to astonish even us, the modern-day inhabitants. Some of these technologies, the results of advanced engineering, laid the foundation for subsequent technological development. However, many have been forgotten or lost over time.
Printing Press
The printing press reached its full potential thanks to inventor Johannes Gutenberg
In the 11th century, printing technology flourished in China. Yet, few know that during the medieval period, under the contributions of Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press was widely applied, heralding the era of mass production of printed texts. This invention is considered the most significant technological advancement of the medieval period, serving as a cornerstone for the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.
Quadrant and Astrolabe
The first complex instrument used to measure distances between celestial bodies.
The Astrolabe is a relatively complex device capable of measuring the angle of celestial bodies in the sky, both day and night, to locate them. Additionally, it could be used to determine the observer’s latitude and local time.
Though it has existed since ancient times, during the medieval period, astronomers improved and refined this device, making it more sophisticated. These early “computers” measured distances between objects and became invaluable tools in navigation and astronomy.
Despite being in their primitive forms, these two devices laid the groundwork for further developments in astronomical research.
Mercury-Gold Plating
The ancient gold plating technique was incredibly sophisticated.
Since ancient times, gold plating technology has been widely applied to interiors, especially in churches and monuments dedicated to religious figures worldwide. Goldsmiths of that era used mercury to plate various objects. Remarkably, the quality of products created during this period was so refined that many modern technologies still cannot surpass it.
The stones that helped Vikings navigate the seas without a compass.
Legend has it that these Sunstones enabled the Vikings to navigate accurately at sea without a compass. Even scientists were puzzled by these stones for a long time. The story of Sunstones was once considered a hoax or a whimsical magical tale; however, researchers today have declared that these stones and their miraculous properties are real.
A chemical analysis confirmed that the stone is an Icelandic mineral or calcite crystal.
Drilling Technology
Ancient people were incredible drillers.
It can be said that our ancestors were remarkable drillers, as evidenced by large holes drilled into ancient stone foundations found worldwide. Even modern humans cannot create such perfect round holes without advanced drilling machines. This shows that ancient technology may have been more advanced than we have assumed.
Nanotechnology appeared in the Lycurgus cup, baffling scientists.
The Lycurgus cup is an extraordinary example of how advanced ancient nanotechnology truly was. Nanotechnology involves using materials at an extremely small scale (potentially at the atomic, molecular, and supramolecular levels) for industrial purposes. Therefore, the presence of metal particles that are only about 50 nanometers in size (1,000 times smaller than a grain of salt) in a cup from ancient times has left scientists at a loss. This famous cup is made from dichroic glass and can change color depending on the light.
Oracle Chamber
An ancient room with a miraculous ability to amplify sound.
In 1902, workers constructing a water reservoir in Malta accidentally discovered the Hypogeum (meaning underground in Greek). Not only did this complex labyrinthine structure astonish scientists, but it also attracted public interest due to a special room called the “Oracle Chamber.”
However, its true capability is not the prophetic ability as legend suggests but something different.
One of the unique features of this room is its ability to amplify sound multiple times. Although it has not been proven, based on unique limestone carvings on the walls, it is believed that this room was originally used by a prophet.