1. Select (highlight) the text you want to format.
2. Go to Format Font (Ctrl + D)
=> The Font dialog box appears:
3. Select the Font tab
Font: Choose the type of font Font style: Choose normal, bold, italic, bold italic Size: Choose font size. Font color: Text color Underline style: Type of underline. Underline color: Color of the underline. Effects: Some additional style options:
R Strikethrough: Strike through the text. R Double strikethrough: Double strike through the text. R Superscript: Superscript text. (Ctrl + Shift + =) R Subscript: Subscript text. (Ctrl + =) R Shadow: Shadow text style R Outline: Outline text. R Emboss: Embossed text (white color) in front R Engrave: Engraved text (white color) behind. R All caps: Uppercase letters R Hidden: Hidden text.– After selecting the font formatting style, if you want to set it as the default for future files, click the Default button. A dialog box appears:
Do you want to change the default font formatting for new files?
Select Yes: Agree Select No: Disagree4. Click the OK button to complete the font formatting.
* You can also use the Formatting toolbar for quick font formatting:
– Format using available styles:
– Format font:
– Format font size:
– Bold text:
– Italic text:
– Underlined text:
Changing Character Spacing.
1. Select (highlight) the text you want to format.
2. Go to Format Font (Ctrl + D), the Font dialog box appears.
3. Select the Character spacing tab, the Font dialog box looks like this:
Scale: Adjust the character spacing by %. Spacing: The distance between characters
By: Increase: Increase character spacing
Decrease: Decrease character spacing Position: Position in line
By: Increase: Raise text position relative to the line
Decrease: Lower text position relative to the line Default button: If you want to set this character spacing as the default for future files.4. Click OK to complete the character spacing changes.
Decorating Text for Vibrancy.
2. Go to Format Font (Ctrl + D), the Font dialog box appears.
3. Select the Text Effects tab, the Font dialog box looks like this:
- Select text animations in the Animations box.
- Default button: If you want to set this text animation as the default for future files.
4. Click OK
After clicking OK, the selected text will have a blinking effect according to the chosen animation. For example:
Note: This text decoration is only visible on computer screens; it will not appear when printed.