Scientists Have Struggled for Years to Decode This Mysterious Green Stone
At Lake Plescheevo, near the city of Pereslavl-Zaleski, Russia, a peculiar stone has puzzled local scientists for years. The unusual aspect of this stone is that it is never covered with snow in winter, and when it rains, it turns a vibrant blue, just like the lake itself.
No one knows the origin of this stone, and there are many rumors surrounding its background.
The scenery around Lake Plescheevo, near the city of Pereslavl-Zaleski, Russia. (Photo: Sputnik).
According to local legend, this stone is known as the Green Stone. It was once situated atop a mountain not far from Lake Plescheevo, where a pagan tribe resided. The stone served as an altar for priests to conduct sacrifices to the deities.
One day, the Green Stone was pushed down from the mountain to the shores of Lake Plescheevo. Locals believed the stone had healing properties and began to hold festivals, dancing around the stone to seek blessings.
Later, the stone was buried by monks from a nearby monastery at the end of the 17th century. However, 12 years later, the mysterious stone resurfaced above ground, though how this occurred remains unclear.
In 1788, authorities decided to use this 12-ton stone as the foundation for a church. Workers attempted to transport it across Lake Plescheevo using sledges, but the frozen lake suddenly cracked in the winter, causing the sledges along with the stone to sink.
Local fishermen discovered the Green Stone slowly moving along the bottom of the lake. (Photo: Sputnik).
Before long, local fishermen noticed that the Green Stone was gradually moving closer to the shore each year. By 1858, the “sunk stone” was found standing about 300 meters from where it had originally sunk. Since then, no one dared to touch the stone.
As for scientists, they have struggled to decode this Green Stone for many years, proposing numerous theories. Some suggest that the stone emerged due to strong currents from the river flowing into the lake.
Others argue that the stone becomes encased in ice each winter and is moved by melting ice in the spring. However, how ice or currents could move a 12-ton stone and pull it to shore remains an unanswered question.
Some researchers believe that the stone contains a powerful mysterious energy, suggesting it may be part of an undiscovered ecosystem.