Long ago, a prophecy was made: the mysterious island of Atlantis, submerged beneath the ocean, would eventually reappear near the Bahamas in 1969. At that time, no one believed this prediction.
In 1969, American explorer Robert Feropormi Gran traveled to Bimini Island to gather information. On February 26, the expedition anchored 1.4 nautical miles off the northern coast of Bimini. While enjoying the refreshing sea breeze and gazing at the blue waters, they unexpectedly discovered an unusual rock formation in the water that resembled human-made structures. They immediately dove to the ocean floor and were astonished to see a large, orderly rock formation. Each stone measured approximately 6 meters long, 3 meters high, and 1.2 meters wide. These stones were aligned in a sequence extending about 213 meters. According to the tour guide accompanying the group, during the 1920s, when Miami was being constructed, no one could explain the origin of these stones or why they had such a shape.
From these submerged stones, one could perceive the remarkable craftsmanship of the workers. However, archaeologists estimate that these stones have been underwater for at least 10,000 years. So, what were these stones 10,000 years ago, and what purpose did they serve? Some suggest they were part of a wall, but historical records do not mention the existence of a city in this area 10,000 years ago. Therefore, people associate these stones with the legendary Atlantis, coinciding with the timeframe predicted by the ancient prophet. Could this be a mere coincidence or something miraculous?
In July 1969, two divers discovered several large pillars underwater not far from the western shore of Bimini Island. Some of these pillars were horizontal while others stood upright beneath the sandy ocean floor. After thorough analysis, they confirmed that the origin of these stone pillars was not from Bimini Island.
The divers also found several low walls surrounding a small island near Bimini. Archaeologists speculate that a large enclosing wall must have existed on Bimini from ancient times. However, what remains unexplained is that aside from the enclosing wall, there are almost no other architectural remnants. What was the purpose of this wall in that era? Does it conceal some secret? Later on, what caused the wall to shift from land to the sea? These are mysteries that remain difficult to unravel.
Some believe that the ocean floor is not stable, and the submergence of the island is a natural occurrence. Ten thousand years is a long enough time for a small island to have sunk to the ocean floor and potentially resurfaced years later, or for the wall to have been swept away by ocean waves. However, this explanation lacks convincing evidence. There are no traces on the island indicating that it was ever flooded by seawater. Some archaeologists suggest that the wall was constructed underwater, but what defensive purpose could a wall serve if built beneath the water? If it doesn’t serve a defensive function, what other purpose could it have? A communication point, a marker, or an explanatory sign? Others boldly suggest that this is a natural formation with no human connection. Yet, what is the ultimate answer to this mystery? Where did these stones come from? Who built the wall, and what secrets does it hold? Further research by archaeologists is needed to provide satisfactory answers.