Currently, scientists have not been able to find all the fragments of the Palermo Stone to piece together a complete artifact, making the task of decoding its mysteries quite challenging.
For a long time, people have been fascinated by the idea that in the distant past, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations visited Earth and helped humanity kickstart development on our planet. However, this notion has been firmly dismissed by many who believe that such events did not occur, despite numerous discoveries indicating a very different part of human history that appears to contradict mainstream science.
Many ancient texts, paintings, and monuments have been regarded as evidence supporting the theory of ancient space travel. Yet, millions of others remain open to the possibility that we are not the first civilization to call Earth our home.
One of these artifacts is the Palermo Stone, which is one of the seven surviving fragments of a royal annals stele from the Old Kingdom period in ancient Egyptian history. It is also considered one of the most important artifacts for studying ancient Egyptian civilization and its long history on Earth.
Although the exact dating and authorship of the Palermo Stone remain a mystery to scholars, the most widely accepted dating suggests that it originated during the Old Kingdom, around the 21st century BCE.
What makes this stone special is that, unlike other similar ancient texts, the Palermo Stone lists the pre-dynastic kings of ancient Egypt and the pharaohs who ruled Egypt during the first five dynasties. The most controversial part of the Palermo Stone is the pre-dynastic kings, who seem to be not human but mysterious “gods” and “demigods.”
The Palermo Stone, also known as the Palermo Stele, is one of the seven surviving fragments of a royal annals stele from the Old Kingdom period in ancient Egyptian history. This stele lists the kings who ruled Egypt from the First Dynasty to the early Fifth Dynasty and records significant events during each of their reigns. The royal annals may have been inscribed during the Fifth Dynasty.
The document, written in hieroglyphs, recounts the reigns of 120 kings who ruled before ancient Egyptians officially existed as a civilization. Interestingly, the names of the “gods” and “demigods” also appear in the royal genealogies of Egypt. Additionally, the Palermo Stone shows similarities with the Turin King List and the Sumerian King List, both of which refer to a time when gods lived on Earth and ruled for hundreds, even thousands, of years.
The Sumerian King List is one of the most notable ancient texts discovered on Earth, accurately detailing the rulers of the ancient Sumerian civilization. The Sumerian King List states: “…After kingship descended from heaven, it was established at Eridug. Alulim became king and ruled for 28,800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36,000 years. These two kings ruled for 64,800 years.”
In the Turin King List, the ancient text describes the long reigns of divine beings and was written on papyrus during the Turin period in priestly language (an ancient form of hieroglyphs used by Egyptian priests). Scholars believe that the original papyrus contained a list of over 300 names along with specific durations of each king’s reign in ancient Egypt. Notably, the Sumerian kings’ reigns are accurately recorded in the last two columns of the list.
This summary of the text references the Sumerian kings, stating: “…King Shemsu-Hor reigned for 13,420 years. King Shemsu-Hor reigned for 23,200 years. In total, these two kings ruled for 36,620 years.” Furthermore, the Turin papyrus clearly shows nine dynasties that ruled Egypt before the time of the Pharaohs, including venerable kings such as Memphis, North, Shemsu Hor, and Horus, who ruled until Menes – the first Pharaoh of ancient Egypt.
This ancient text describes a mysterious period on Earth, where humans “could” live for thousands of years and govern vast ancient territories.
In addition to the aforementioned information, the Royal Annals also list other intriguing details about taxes in ancient Egypt, religious rituals, the Nile River’s water levels, military campaigns, and other significant details. More importantly, it is regarded as one of the primary sources from which Manetho, an Egyptian historian, compiled historical documents about ancient Egypt.
Manetho is famous for his work “Aegyptiaca,” in which he divided the rulers of ancient Egypt into dynasties, ultimately leading to the development of the system used to date the history of ancient Egypt.
The Palermo Stone is made from black basalt and is believed to have been about 2 meters tall when completed. However, what we have found today are only fragments, and to this day, we have yet to locate the complete pieces of this stone.
Several ancient texts accurately describe the period during which these mysterious beings, possibly divine, came down from the heavens to rule humanity. Furthermore, these deities are present in all ancient civilizations on Earth. For various reasons, researchers have overlooked these ancient texts and instead created their own chronicles of ancient Egypt and other civilizations. They cannot explain or prove: Why did kings reign for thousands of years? Did these long-lived kings come from another planet?
The Palermo Stone has led researchers to conclude that the ancient Egyptians developed superior technology for smelting copper, ultimately allowing them to create stunning bronze statues that existed during the Second Dynasty.
The Palermo Stone also records the construction of the first stone buildings during the reign of Neka, prior to the Step Pyramid of Djoser.
As you can see, there are several ancient texts that accurately describe the time when mysterious beings, possibly divine, came from space and ruled humanity for a long duration. On the other hand, similar narratives about ‘gods’ descending from the heavens can be found in many ancient cultures worldwide. This is why many believe that the Palermo Stone is one of the important ancient documents proving that beings from another world once ruled our planet and ancient space travel is entirely plausible.
The Hypothesis of Another World
One perspective suggests that the Palermo Stone may have originated from another world. Space travelers could have brought this artifact to Egypt and left it behind. If this is true, then time and space travel could indeed be possible.
However, we still do not know how this travel was accomplished. Therefore, the scientific community continues to actively decode the mysteries surrounding the Palermo Stone.