Unique in the world, the square-shaped trees with four flat sides grow in a valley formed from the ashes of a colossal volcano.
Interestingly, not only do they have a square exterior, but even their tree rings, which determine age, are square. The squareness is most pronounced at the base, but as the trees grow taller, their edges gradually become rounded, resembling the trunks of other trees.
With their rigid square corners, these unusual trees have puzzled tourists and scientists for several years.
Experts from the University of Florida have taken young specimens of these mysterious trees to see if they retain their unique characteristics in a different environment. They concluded that the square shape of these trees is likely related to the unique conditions of the valley in which they grow.
Ultimately, the answer confirmed by many scientists is that the strange square trees in El Valle are Quararibea asterolepis, a broadleaf tree commonly found in South American countries like Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica. According to the research of Lawrence Dew and Jean P. Boubli, this tree species is also prevalent in Panama.
Square-shaped trunks.
Located on the world’s second-largest uninhabited volcano, the Valley of Square Trees is one of the most controversial tourist attractions in Panama, simply because many people do not believe there is anything special about it.
According to the concerns of some tourists, while some enjoy the legends surrounding the square trees and the unique volcanic crater they grow in, others believe that the square shape of this species is entirely natural, given their type.
“The square trees mostly exist in imagination because they become round as they grow taller. Fortunately, there was a guiding sign we saw, otherwise I wouldn’t have known about it,” one tourist remarked.
“I came here about 60 years ago, and the square trees were already here, attracting many visitors. We saw a few young trees along the trail. Their trunks are square with rounded corners, and all four sides are of equal size,” shared another tourist from Oregon, USA.
It’s evident that whether the Valley of Square Trees is truly a peculiar phenomenon or merely a clever marketing tactic to attract tourists to this country, El Valle de Anton remains one of the most captivating destinations on the planet.