Natural toxins are commonly found in animals and plants, causing poisoning with a high risk of life-threatening consequences.
Natural toxins are poisons that are available in nature in animals and plants. The main clinical symptoms of poisoning include neurological syndrome (nausea, vomiting, sensory and motor disorders, headaches, etc.) accompanied by digestive syndrome (abdominal pain, diarrhea).
The fly agaric mushroom is colorful but contains strong toxins. (Photo: Unsplash).
Poisoning incidents are often related to geographical characteristics, the harvesting season, and collection methods. The number of cases is usually low and sporadic, but the risk of life-threatening consequences is high.
To prevent food poisoning from natural toxins, individuals need to actively choose safe foods or know how to process and eliminate toxins before consumption.
A poisonous mushroom found in Lao Cai province. (Photo: Lao Cai Department of Health).
According to the Lao Cai Department of Health, individuals should follow the following recommendations to prevent poisoning from commonly encountered foods with natural toxins:
Do not eat strange wild vegetables, tubers, or fruits whose origins are not clearly known; only use mushrooms when you are sure they are edible; absolutely do not eat strange or wild mushrooms. Do not taste mushrooms if there is any doubt; decisively discard mushrooms if there is any uncertainty.
To avoid potato poisoning, do not buy or prepare food from sprouted potatoes or those with skins that have turned green.
The skin of white radishes contains furocoumarin toxins. To avoid poisoning, when consuming radishes, they should be thoroughly peeled, cooked, roasted, or heated in the microwave to eliminate toxins.
Dry and store well, avoiding moisture for seeds; do not eat beans or peanuts that have become moldy or darkened.
Cyanide is a toxic substance found in bamboo shoots and cassava (manioc). Therefore, when consuming fresh bamboo shoots, they should be soaked, washed thoroughly in water for several hours, and boiled multiple times to remove water before cooking. Similarly, cassava must be peeled and soaked in cold water for many hours before cooking.
Do not drink fish liver bile. Fish bile is said to enhance health, but in reality, fish bile can contain toxins that may cause acute liver and kidney failure.
Toads are often used as food for the elderly and children, but toad venom, liver, and bile contain very strong toxins. In cases of poisoning, the prognosis is very severe, with a high risk of life-threatening consequences. To prevent poisoning from toad meat, individuals should avoid eating toad meat and any products made from toads.
Absolutely do not use strange plants, tubers, or animals to infuse alcohol…
Food poisoning from natural toxins can quickly lead to life-threatening situations if not treated promptly. Therefore, when experiencing symptoms of poisoning after consuming suspected food with natural toxins, patients need to be quickly taken to the nearest healthcare facility for urgent treatment.